> 文档中心 > SpringBoot 整合 Elasticsearch8.0(最新API——Java API Client for Elasticsearch)—— 2、文档操作

SpringBoot 整合 Elasticsearch8.0(最新API——Java API Client for Elasticsearch)—— 2、文档操作

SpringBoot 整合 Elasticsearch8.0(最新API——Java API Client for Elasticsearch)—— 2、文档操作



@SpringBootTestclass ElasticsearchStudyApplicationTests {    private RestClient restClient;    private ElasticsearchClient elasticsearchClient;    private ElasticsearchTransport transport;    @BeforeEach    void ElasticsearchClientBuild(){ // Create the low-level client restClient = RestClient.builder(  new HttpHost("", 9200)).build(); // Create the transport with a Jackson mapper transport = new RestClientTransport(  restClient, new JacksonJsonpMapper()); // And create the API client elasticsearchClient = new ElasticsearchClient(transport);    }    @Test    void addOneDocument() throws IOException { GoodSpuElasticsearchModel goodSpuElasticsearchModel = new GoodSpuElasticsearchModel(1L, "JavaEE企业级开发", 65, "JavaEE企业级开发.png" , 1, "新华出版社", 30, "书籍"); IndexResponse indexResponse = elasticsearchClient.index(a ->  a.index("good_spu").id(String.valueOf(goodSpuElasticsearchModel.getGoodSpuId())).document(goodSpuElasticsearchModel)); System.out.println("result = " + indexResponse.result().jsonValue());    }    @AfterEach    void ElasticsearchClientDestroy () throws IOException { transport.close(); restClient.close();    }}


result = created

使用 Kibana 查看文档

GET /good_spu/_doc/1
{  "_index" : "good_spu",  "_id" : "1",  "_version" : 1,  "_seq_no" : 0,  "_primary_term" : 1,  "found" : true,  "_source" : {    "goodSpuId" : 1,    "goodSpuName" : "JavaEE企业级开发",    "goodSpuPrice" : 65,    "goodSpuPicture" : "JavaEE企业级开发.png",    "goodBrandId" : 1,    "goodBrandName" : "新华出版社",    "goodCategoryId" : 30,    "goodCategoryName" : "书籍"  }}


@SpringBootTestclass ElasticsearchStudyApplicationTests {    private RestClient restClient;    private ElasticsearchClient elasticsearchClient;    private ElasticsearchTransport transport;    @BeforeEach    void ElasticsearchClientBuild(){ // Create the low-level client restClient = RestClient.builder(  new HttpHost("", 9200)).build(); // Create the transport with a Jackson mapper transport = new RestClientTransport(  restClient, new JacksonJsonpMapper()); // And create the API client elasticsearchClient = new ElasticsearchClient(transport);    }    @Test    void getDocuments() throws IOException { GetResponse getResponse = elasticsearchClient.get(a -> a.index("good_spu").id("1"), GoodSpuElasticsearchModel.class); System.out.println("result = " + getResponse.source());    }    @AfterEach    void ElasticsearchClientDestroy () throws IOException { transport.close(); restClient.close();    }}


result = GoodSpuElasticsearchModel(goodSpuId=1, goodSpuName=JavaEE企业级开发, goodSpuPrice=65, goodSpuPicture=JavaEE企业级开发.png, goodBrandId=1, goodBrandName=新华出版社, goodCategoryId=30, goodCategoryName=书籍)


@SpringBootTestclass ElasticsearchStudyApplicationTests {    private RestClient restClient;    private ElasticsearchClient elasticsearchClient;    private ElasticsearchTransport transport;    @BeforeEach    void ElasticsearchClientBuild(){ // Create the low-level client restClient = RestClient.builder(  new HttpHost("", 9200)).build(); // Create the transport with a Jackson mapper transport = new RestClientTransport(  restClient, new JacksonJsonpMapper()); // And create the API client elasticsearchClient = new ElasticsearchClient(transport);    }    @Test    void deleteOneDocument() throws IOException { DeleteResponse deleteResponse = elasticsearchClient.delete(a ->  a.index("good_spu").id("1")); System.out.println("result = " + deleteResponse.result());    } @AfterEach    void ElasticsearchClientDestroy () throws IOException { transport.close(); restClient.close();    }}


result = Deleted


@SpringBootTestclass ElasticsearchStudyApplicationTests {    private RestClient restClient;    private ElasticsearchClient elasticsearchClient;    private ElasticsearchTransport transport;    @BeforeEach    void ElasticsearchClientBuild(){ // Create the low-level client restClient = RestClient.builder(  new HttpHost("", 9200)).build(); // Create the transport with a Jackson mapper transport = new RestClientTransport(  restClient, new JacksonJsonpMapper()); // And create the API client elasticsearchClient = new ElasticsearchClient(transport);    }    @Test    void addDocumentList() throws IOException { List<GoodSpuElasticsearchModel> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add(new GoodSpuElasticsearchModel(1L, "Java企业及开发", 50, "Java企业及开发.png" , 1, "新华出版社", 30, "书籍")); list.add(new GoodSpuElasticsearchModel(2L, "Java编程", 55, "Java编程.png" , 1, "新华出版社", 30, "书籍")); list.add(new GoodSpuElasticsearchModel(3L, "Java入门到精通", 70, "Java入门到精通.png" , 1, "新华出版社", 30, "书籍")); list.add(new GoodSpuElasticsearchModel(4L, "Hadoop权威指南", 110, "Hadoop权威指南" , 1, "新华出版社", 30, "书籍")); list.add(new GoodSpuElasticsearchModel(5L, "编译原理", 75, "编译原理" , 1, "新华出版社", 30, "书籍")); list.add(new GoodSpuElasticsearchModel(6L, "操作原理", 60, "操作原理" , 1, "新华出版社", 30, "书籍")); List<BulkOperation> bulkOperations = new ArrayList<>(); list.forEach(a ->  bulkOperations.add(BulkOperation.of(b ->   b.index(c ->    c.id(String.valueOf(a.getGoodSpuId())).document(a)   )  )) ); BulkResponse bulkResponse = elasticsearchClient.bulk(x -> x.index("good_spu").operations(bulkOperations)); bulkResponse.items().forEach(i -> System.out.println("i = " + i.result())); System.out.println("bulkResponse.errors() = " + bulkResponse.errors());    }    @AfterEach    void ElasticsearchClientDestroy () throws IOException { transport.close(); restClient.close();    }}


i = createdi = createdi = createdi = createdi = createdi = createdbulkResponse.errors() = false

使用 Kibana 查看文档

GET good_spu/_search{  "query": {    "match_all": {}  }}
{  "took" : 2,  "timed_out" : false,  "_shards" : {    "total" : 1,    "successful" : 1,    "skipped" : 0,    "failed" : 0  },  "hits" : {    "total" : {      "value" : 6,      "relation" : "eq"    },    "max_score" : 1.0,    "hits" : [      { "_index" : "good_spu", "_id" : "1", "_score" : 1.0, "_source" : {   "goodSpuId" : 1,   "goodSpuName" : "JavaEE企业级开发",   "goodSpuPrice" : 65,   "goodSpuPicture" : "JavaEE企业级开发.png",   "goodBrandId" : 1,   "goodBrandName" : "新华出版社",   "goodCategoryId" : 30,   "goodCategoryName" : "书籍" }      },      { "_index" : "good_spu", "_id" : "2", "_score" : 1.0, "_source" : {   "goodSpuId" : 2,   "goodSpuName" : "Java编程",   "goodSpuPrice" : 55,   "goodSpuPicture" : "Java编程.png",   "goodBrandId" : 1,   "goodBrandName" : "新华出版社",   "goodCategoryId" : 30,   "goodCategoryName" : "书籍" }      },      { "_index" : "good_spu", "_id" : "3", "_score" : 1.0, "_source" : {   "goodSpuId" : 3,   "goodSpuName" : "Java入门到精通",   "goodSpuPrice" : 70,   "goodSpuPicture" : "Java入门到精通.png",   "goodBrandId" : 1,   "goodBrandName" : "新华出版社",   "goodCategoryId" : 30,   "goodCategoryName" : "书籍" }      },      { "_index" : "good_spu", "_id" : "4", "_score" : 1.0, "_source" : {   "goodSpuId" : 4,   "goodSpuName" : "Hadoop权威指南",   "goodSpuPrice" : 110,   "goodSpuPicture" : "Hadoop权威指南",   "goodBrandId" : 1,   "goodBrandName" : "新华出版社",   "goodCategoryId" : 30,   "goodCategoryName" : "书籍" }      },      { "_index" : "good_spu", "_id" : "5", "_score" : 1.0, "_source" : {   "goodSpuId" : 5,   "goodSpuName" : "编译原理",   "goodSpuPrice" : 75,   "goodSpuPicture" : "编译原理",   "goodBrandId" : 1,   "goodBrandName" : "新华出版社",   "goodCategoryId" : 30,   "goodCategoryName" : "书籍" }      },      { "_index" : "good_spu", "_id" : "6", "_score" : 1.0, "_source" : {   "goodSpuId" : 6,   "goodSpuName" : "操作原理",   "goodSpuPrice" : 60,   "goodSpuPicture" : "操作原理",   "goodBrandId" : 1,   "goodBrandName" : "新华出版社",   "goodCategoryId" : 30,   "goodCategoryName" : "书籍" }      }    ]  }}



@SpringBootTestclass ElasticsearchStudyApplicationTests {    private RestClient restClient;    private ElasticsearchClient elasticsearchClient;    private ElasticsearchTransport transport;    @BeforeEach    void ElasticsearchClientBuild(){ // Create the low-level client restClient = RestClient.builder(  new HttpHost("", 9200)).build(); // Create the transport with a Jackson mapper transport = new RestClientTransport(  restClient, new JacksonJsonpMapper()); // And create the API client elasticsearchClient = new ElasticsearchClient(transport);    }    @Test    void deleteDocumentList() throws IOException { List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add("1"); list.add("2"); list.add("3"); list.add("4"); list.add("5"); list.add("6"); List<BulkOperation> bulkOperations = new ArrayList<>(); list.forEach(a ->  bulkOperations.add(BulkOperation.of(b ->   b.delete(c -> c.id(a))  )) ); BulkResponse bulkResponse = elasticsearchClient.bulk(a -> a.index("good_spu").operations(bulkOperations)); bulkResponse.items().forEach(a -> System.out.println("result = " + a.result())); System.out.println("bulkResponse.errors() = " + bulkResponse.errors());    }    @AfterEach    void ElasticsearchClientDestroy () throws IOException { transport.close(); restClient.close();    }}


result = deletedresult = deletedresult = deletedresult = deletedresult = deletedresult = deletedbulkResponse.errors() = false

使用 Kibana 查看文档

GET good_spu/_search{  "query": {    "match_all": {}  }}
{  "took" : 433,  "timed_out" : false,  "_shards" : {    "total" : 1,    "successful" : 1,    "skipped" : 0,    "failed" : 0  },  "hits" : {    "total" : {      "value" : 0,      "relation" : "eq"    },    "max_score" : null,    "hits" : [ ]  }}


上一篇:SpringBoot 整合 Elasticsearch8.0(最新API——Java API Client for Elasticsearch)—— 1、索引操作
