> 春节2024 > 介绍自家里怎么过年的作文









I like the Spring Festival. The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people. It is a time for families to come together and celebrate. During the Spring Festival, my family and I have many traditions and activities that we enjoy.

In the morning, we wake up early and clean our house thoroughly. This is called \"spring cleaning\" and it is believed to bring good luck for the new year. After cleaning, we decorate our home with red lanterns and paper cuttings. Red is a symbol of luck and happiness in Chinese culture.

On New Year\'s Eve, we have a big family reunion dinner. We gather around the table and enjoy a delicious feast together. The dishes are special for the Spring Festival, such as fish and dumplings. Fish represents abundance and prosperity, while dumplings symbolize wealth and good fortune.

After dinner, we like to watch the CCTV Spring Festival Gala on TV. It is a variety show with music, dance, and comedy performances. The show is a tradition for many families in China, and it brings us joy and laughter.

During the Spring Festival, we also give and receive red envelopes. These are small red packets filled with money. It is a way to share blessings and good wishes for the new year. It is always exciting to open the red envelopes and see how much money we receive.

Overall, the Spring Festival is a time of happiness, family, and tradition. It is a time to celebrate the past year and look forward to the new year ahead. I love spending this special holiday with my family and creating wonderful memories together.







一年一度的新春佳节又到了,但令我最难忘的还是那洋溢着浓浓的年味的除夕之夜。 除夕是中国的传统佳节,每到这一天,远方的亲人都要回到家里与亲人团聚...







The lunar calendar New Year is a traditional festival in China. Before the New Year, people clean their houses thoroughly to get rid of any bad luck and decorate their homes with red lanterns and paper cuttings. They also go shopping to buy new clothes and food for the celebration. On New Year\'s Eve, families stay up late to \"guard the year\" and welcome the arrival of the New Year with firecrackers. On the first day of the New Year, people visit their relatives and friends to exchange blessings and good wishes. On the fifth day of the New Year, many people enjoy traveling around the city and visiting various attractions. On the fifteenth day of the New Year, people celebrate the Lantern Festival by lighting lanterns and eating sweet rice dumplings. During the Spring Festival, people give gifts such as red envelopes, gift baskets, couplets, and window decorations to express their blessings and good wishes for the new year.



