var editFlag = [[${@permission.hasPermi('data:information:edit')}]]; var removeFlag = [[${@permission.hasPermi('data:information:remove')}]]; var fsFlag = [[${@permission.hasPermi('data:information:fs')}]]; var information = [[${@dict.getType('information')}]]; var prefix = ctx + "data/information"; function addInformation() { $.modal.openTab("新增消息群发", prefix + "/add"); } $(function () { var options = { url: prefix + "/list", createUrl: prefix + "/add", updateUrl: prefix + "/edit/{id}", detailUrl: prefix + "/detail/{id}", removeUrl: prefix + "/remove", exportUrl: prefix + "/export", modalName: "消息群发", showSearch: false, showRefresh: false, showColumns: false, showToggle: false, sortName: "createTime", sortOrder: "desc", columns: [ { field: 'substance', title: '通知内容' }, { field: 'changeTime', title: '通知时间' }, { field: 'medicineName', title: '通知人员名称' }, { title: '消息状态', align: 'center', field: "status", formatter: function (value, row, index) { return $.table.selectDictLabel(information, value); } }, { title: '操作', align: 'center', formatter: function (value, row, index) { var actions = []; actions.push('' +'发送 '); actions.push('' +'修改 '); actions.push('' +'查看'); return actions.join(''); } }] }; $.table.init(options); }); //发送消息状态 function statusTools(id){ $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: prefix + "/fs", data: {"id":id}, dataType: 'json', success: function (result) { if (result.code == web_status.SUCCESS) { $.modal.msgReload("保存成功,正在刷新数据请稍后……", modal_status.SUCCESS); } else { $.modal.alertError(result.msg); } }, error: function (error) { $.modal.alertWarning("发送失败。"); } }); }
/** * 通用js方法封装处理 * Copyright (c) 2019 guizhou */// 当前table相关信息var table = { config: {}, // 当前实例配置 options: {}, // 设置实例配置 set: function(id) { if($.common.getLength(table.config) > 1) { var tableId = $.common.isEmpty(id) ? $(event.currentTarget).parents(".bootstrap-table").find(".table").attr("id") : id; if ($.common.isNotEmpty(tableId)) { table.options = table.get(tableId); } } }, // 获取实例配置 get: function(id) { return table.config[id]; }, // 记住选择实例组 rememberSelecteds: {}, // 记住选择ID组 rememberSelectedIds: {}};(function ($) { $.extend({ _tree: {}, bttTable: {}, // 表格封装处理 table: { // 初始化表格参数 init: function(options) { var defaults = { id: "bootstrap-table", type: 0, // 0 代表bootstrapTable 1代表bootstrapTreeTable height: undefined, sidePagination: "server", sortName: "", sortOrder: "asc", pagination: true, pageSize: 10, pageList: [10, 25, 50], toolbar: "toolbar", striped: false, escape: false, firstLoad: true, showFooter: false, search: false, showSearch: true, showPageGo: false, showRefresh: true, showColumns: true, showToggle: true, showExport: false, clickToSelect: false, singleSelect: false, mobileResponsive: true, rememberSelected: false, fixedColumns: false, fixedNumber: 0, rightFixedColumns: false, rightFixedNumber: 0, queryParams: $.table.queryParams, rowStyle: {}, }; var options = $.extend(defaults, options); table.options = options; table.config[options.id] = options; $.table.initEvent(); $('#' + options.id).bootstrapTable({ id: options.id, url: options.url,// 请求后台的URL(*) contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", // 编码类型 method: 'post', // 请求方式(*) cache: false, // 是否使用缓存 height: options.height, // 表格的高度 striped: options.striped, // 是否显示行间隔色 sortable: true, // 是否启用排序 sortStable: true,// 设置为 true 将获得稳定的排序 sortName: options.sortName, // 排序列名称 sortOrder: options.sortOrder, // 排序方式 asc 或者 desc pagination: options.pagination,// 是否显示分页(*) pageNumber: 1, // 初始化加载第一页,默认第一页 pageSize: options.pageSize, // 每页的记录行数(*)pageList: options.pageList, // 可供选择的每页的行数(*) firstLoad: options.firstLoad, // 是否首次请求加载数据,对于数据较大可以配置false escape: options.escape, // 转义HTML字符串 showFooter: options.showFooter,// 是否显示表尾 iconSize: 'outline', // 图标大小:undefined默认的按钮尺寸 xs超小按钮sm小按钮lg大按钮 toolbar: '#' + options.toolbar,// 指定工作栏 sidePagination: options.sidePagination, // server启用服务端分页client客户端分页 search: options.search, // 是否显示查询框功能 searchText: options.searchText,//查询框初始显示的内容,默认为空 showSearch: options.showSearch,// 是否显示检索信息 showPageGo: options.showPageGo, // 是否显示跳转页 showRefresh: options.showRefresh, // 是否显示刷新按钮 showColumns: options.showColumns, // 是否显示隐藏某列下拉框 showToggle: options.showToggle,// 是否显示详细视图和列表视图的切换按钮 showExport: options.showExport,// 是否支持导出文件 uniqueId: options.uniqueId, // 唯 一的标识符 clickToSelect: options.clickToSelect,// 是否启用点击选中行 singleSelect: options.singleSelect, // 是否单选checkbox mobileResponsive: options.mobileResponsive, // 是否支持移动端适配 detailView: options.detailView,// 是否启用显示细节视图 onClickRow: options.onClickRow,// 点击某行触发的事件 onDblClickRow: options.onDblClickRow, // 双击某行触发的事件 onClickCell: options.onClickCell, // 单击某格触发的事件 onDblClickCell: options.onDblClickCell, // 双击某格触发的事件 onEditableSave: options.onEditableSave, // 行内编辑保存的事件 onExpandRow: options.onExpandRow, // 点击详细视图的事件 rememberSelected: options.rememberSelected, // 启用翻页记住前面的选择 fixedColumns: options.fixedColumns, // 是否启用冻结列(左侧) fixedNumber: options.fixedNumber, // 列冻结的个数(左侧) rightFixedColumns: options.rightFixedColumns,// 是否启用冻结列(右侧) rightFixedNumber: options.rightFixedNumber, // 列冻结的个数(右侧) onReorderRow: options.onReorderRow, // 当拖拽结束后处理函数 queryParams: options.queryParams, // 传递参数(*) rowStyle: options.rowStyle, // 通过自定义函数设置行样式 columns: options.columns, // 显示列信息(*) data: options.data, // 被加载的数据 responseHandler: $.table.responseHandler, // 在加载服务器发送来的数据之前处理函数 onLoadSuccess: $.table.onLoadSuccess, // 当所有数据被加载时触发处理函数 exportOptions: options.exportOptions, // 前端导出忽略列索引 detailFormatter: options.detailFormatter, // 在行下面展示其他数据列表onCheck: options.onCheck, // 复选框点击选择onUncheck: options.onUncheck,// 复选框点击取消 }); }, // 获取实例ID,如存在多个返回#id1,#id2 delimeter分隔符 getOptionsIds: function(separator) { var _separator = $.common.isEmpty(separator) ? "," : separator; var optionsIds = "";$.each(table.config, function(key, value){ optionsIds += "#" + key + _separator; }); return optionsIds.substring(0, optionsIds.length - 1); }, // 查询条件 queryParams: function(params) { var curParams = { // 传递参数查询参数 pageSize:params.limit, pageNum: params.offset / params.limit + 1, searchValue: params.search, orderByColumn: params.sort, isAsc: params.order }; var currentId = $.common.isEmpty(table.options.formId) ? $('form').attr('id') : table.options.formId; return $.extend(curParams, $.common.formToJSON(currentId)); }, // 请求获取数据后处理回调函数 responseHandler: function(res) { if (typeof table.options.responseHandler == "function") { table.options.responseHandler(res); } if (res.code == 0) { if ($.common.isNotEmpty(table.options.sidePagination) && table.options.sidePagination == 'client') { return res.rows; } else { if ($.common.isNotEmpty(table.options.rememberSelected) && table.options.rememberSelected) { var column = $.common.isEmpty(table.options.uniqueId) ? table.options.columns[1].field : table.options.uniqueId; $.each(res.rows, function(i, row) { row.state = $.inArray(row[column], table.rememberSelectedIds[table.options.id]) !== -1;}) } return { rows: res.rows, total: res.total }; } } else { $.modal.alertWarning(res.msg); return { rows: [], total: 0 }; } }, // 初始化事件 initEvent: function() { // 实例ID信息 var optionsIds = $.table.getOptionsIds(); // 监听事件处理 $(optionsIds).on(TABLE_EVENTS, function () { table.set($(this).attr("id")); }); // 选中、取消、全部选中、全部取消(事件) $(optionsIds).on("check.bs.table check-all.bs.table uncheck.bs.table uncheck-all.bs.table", function (e, rows) { // 复选框分页保留保存选中数组 var rowIds = $.table.affectedRowIds(rows); if ($.common.isNotEmpty(table.options.rememberSelected) && table.options.rememberSelected) { func = $.inArray(e.type, ['check', 'check-all']) > -1 ? 'union' : 'difference'; var selectedIds = table.rememberSelectedIds[table.options.id]; if($.common.isNotEmpty(selectedIds)) { table.rememberSelectedIds[table.options.id] = _[func](selectedIds, rowIds); } else { table.rememberSelectedIds[table.options.id] = _[func]([], rowIds); } var selectedRows = table.rememberSelecteds[table.options.id]; if($.common.isNotEmpty(selectedRows)) { table.rememberSelecteds[table.options.id] = _[func](selectedRows, rows); } else { table.rememberSelecteds[table.options.id] = _[func]([], rows); } } }); // 加载成功、选中、取消、全部选中、全部取消(事件) $(optionsIds).on("check.bs.table uncheck.bs.table check-all.bs.table uncheck-all.bs.table load-success.bs.table", function () { var toolbar = table.options.toolbar; var uniqueId = table.options.uniqueId; // 工具栏按钮控制 var rows = $.common.isEmpty(uniqueId) ? $.table.selectFirstColumns() : $.table.selectColumns(uniqueId); // 非多个禁用 $('#' + toolbar + ' .multiple').toggleClass('disabled', !rows.length); // 非单个禁用 $('#' + toolbar + ' .single').toggleClass('disabled', rows.length!=1); }); // 图片预览事件 $(optionsIds).off("click").on("click", '.img-circle', function() { var src = $(this).attr('src'); var target = $(this).data('target'); if($.common.equals("self", target)) { var height = $(this).data('height');var width = $(this).data('width');// 如果是移动端,就使用自适应大小弹窗if ($.common.isMobile()) {width = 'auto';height = 'auto';} layer.open({ title: false, type: 1, closeBtn: true, shadeClose: true, area: ['auto', 'auto'], content: "" }); } else if ($.common.equals("blank", target)) { window.open(src); } }); // 单击tooltip事件 $(optionsIds).on("click", '.tooltip-show', function() { var target = $(this).data('target'); var input = $(this).prev(); if ($.common.equals("copy", target)) { input.select(); document.execCommand("copy"); } else if ($.common.equals("open", target)) { parent.layer.alert(input.val(), { title: "信息内容", shadeClose: true, btn: ['确认'], btnclass: ['btn btn-primary'], }); } }); }, // 当所有数据被加载时触发 onLoadSuccess: function(data) { if (typeof table.options.onLoadSuccess == "function") { table.options.onLoadSuccess(data); } // 浮动提示框特效 $(".table [data-toggle='tooltip']").tooltip(); }, // 表格销毁 destroy: function (tableId) { var currentId = $.common.isEmpty(tableId) ? table.options.id : tableId; $("#" + currentId).bootstrapTable('destroy'); }, // 序列号生成 serialNumber: function (index, tableId) { var currentId = $.common.isEmpty(tableId) ? table.options.id : tableId;var tableParams = $("#" + currentId).bootstrapTable('getOptions');var pageSize = tableParams.pageSize;var pageNumber = tableParams.pageNumber;return pageSize * (pageNumber - 1) + index + 1;},// 列超出指定长度浮动提示 target(copy单击复制文本 open弹窗打开文本)tooltip: function (value, length, target) {var _length = $.common.isEmpty(length) ? 20 : length;var _text = "";var _value = $.common.nullToStr(value);var _target = $.common.isEmpty(target) ? 'copy' : target;if (_value.length > _length) {_text = _value.substr(0, _length) + "...";_value = _value.replace(/\'/g,"'");_value = _value.replace(/\"/g,""");var actions = [];actions.push($.common.sprintf('', _value)); actions.push($.common.sprintf('%s', _target, _value, _text));return actions.join('');} else {_text = _value;return _text;}},// 下拉按钮切换dropdownToggle: function (value) {var actions = [];actions.push('');actions.push('');actions.push('');return actions.join('');},// 图片预览imageView: function (value, height, width, target) {if ($.common.isEmpty(width)) { width = 'auto'; } if ($.common.isEmpty(height)) { height = 'auto'; }// blank or selfvar _target = $.common.isEmpty(target) ? 'self' : target;if ($.common.isNotEmpty(value)) {return $.common.sprintf("", height, width, _target, value);} else {return $.common.nullToStr(value);}}, //查询-默认第一个form search: function(formId, tableId, data) { table.set(tableId); var currentId = $.common.isEmpty(formId) ? $('form').attr('id') : formId; var params = $.common.isEmpty(tableId) ? $("#" + table.options.id).bootstrapTable('getOptions') : $("#" + tableId).bootstrapTable('getOptions'); params.queryParams = function(params) { var search = $.common.formToJSON(currentId); if($.common.isNotEmpty(data)){ $.each(data, function(key) { search[key] = data[key]; }); } search.pageSize = params.limit; search.pageNum = params.offset / params.limit + 1; search.searchValue = params.search; search.orderByColumn = params.sort; search.isAsc = params.order; return search; } if($.common.isNotEmpty(tableId)){ $("#" + tableId).bootstrapTable('refresh', params); } else{ $("#" + table.options.id).bootstrapTable('refresh', params); } }, // 导出数据 exportExcel: function(formId) { table.set(); $.modal.confirm("确定导出所有" + table.options.modalName + "吗?", function() { var currentId = $.common.isEmpty(formId) ? $('form').attr('id') : formId; var params = $("#" + table.options.id).bootstrapTable('getOptions'); var dataParam = $("#" + currentId).serializeArray(); dataParam.push({ "name": "orderByColumn", "value": params.sortName }); dataParam.push({ "name": "isAsc", "value": params.sortOrder }); $.modal.loading("正在导出数据,请稍后..."); $.post(table.options.exportUrl, dataParam, function(result) { if (result.code == web_status.SUCCESS) { window.location.href = ctx + "common/download?fileName=" + encodeURI(result.msg) + "&delete=" + true; } else if (result.code == web_status.WARNING) { $.modal.alertWarning(result.msg) } else { $.modal.alertError(result.msg); } $.modal.closeLoading(); }); }); }, // 下载模板 importTemplate: function() { table.set(); $.get(table.options.importTemplateUrl, function(result) { if (result.code == web_status.SUCCESS) { window.location.href = ctx + "common/download?fileName=" + encodeURI(result.msg) + "&delete=" + true; } else if (result.code == web_status.WARNING) { $.modal.alertWarning(result.msg) } else { $.modal.alertError(result.msg); } }); }, // 导入数据 importExcel: function(formId) { table.set(); var currentId = $.common.isEmpty(formId) ? 'importTpl' : formId; layer.open({ type: 1, area: ['400px', '230px'], fix: false, //不固定 maxmin: true, shade: 0.3, title: '导入' + table.options.modalName + '数据', content: $('#' + currentId).html(), btn: [' 导入', ' 取消'], // 弹层外区域关闭 shadeClose: true, btn1: function(index, layero){ var file = layero.find('#file').val(); if (file == '' || (!$.common.endWith(file, '.xls') && !$.common.endWith(file, '.xlsx'))){ $.modal.msgWarning("请选择后缀为 “xls”或“xlsx”的文件。"); return false; } var index = layer.load(2, {shade: false}); $.modal.disable(); var formData = new FormData(layero.find('form')[0]); $.ajax({ url: table.options.importUrl, data: formData, cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, type: 'POST', success: function (result) { if (result.code == web_status.SUCCESS) { $.modal.closeAll(); $.modal.alertSuccess(result.msg); $.table.refresh(); } else if (result.code == web_status.WARNING) { layer.close(index); $.modal.enable(); $.modal.alertWarning(result.msg)} else { layer.close(index); $.modal.enable(); $.modal.alertError(result.msg); } } }); } }); },// 导入数据importExcelMed: function(formId,fileId) {table.set();var currentId = $.common.isEmpty(formId) ? 'importTpl' : formId;layer.open({type: 1,area: ['400px', '230px'],fix: false,//不固定maxmin: true,shade: 0.3,title: '导入' + table.options.modalName + '数据',content: $('#' + currentId).html(),btn: [' 导入', ' 取消'],// 弹层外区域关闭shadeClose: true,btn1: function(index, layero){var file = layero.find('#'+fileId).val();if (file == '' || (!$.common.endWith(file, '.xls') && !$.common.endWith(file, '.xlsx'))){$.modal.msgWarning("请选择后缀为 “xls”或“xlsx”的文件。");return false;}var index = layer.load(2, {shade: false});$.modal.disable();var formData = new FormData(layero.find('form')[0]);$.ajax({url: table.options.importUrl,data: formData,cache: false,contentType: false,processData: false,type: 'POST',success: function (result) {if (result.code == web_status.SUCCESS) {$.modal.closeAll();$.modal.alertSuccess(result.msg);$.table.refresh();} else if (result.code == web_status.WARNING) {layer.close(index);$.modal.enable();$.modal.alertWarning(result.msg)} else {layer.close(index);$.modal.enable();$.modal.alertError(result.msg);}}});}});}, // 刷新表格 refresh: function(tableId) { var currentId = $.common.isEmpty(tableId) ? table.options.id : tableId; $("#" + currentId).bootstrapTable('refresh', { silent: true }); },refreshCs: function(currentId,opt) {$("#" + currentId).bootstrapTable('refresh', opt);}, // 查询表格指定列值 selectColumns: function(column) { var rows = $.map($("#" + table.options.id).bootstrapTable('getSelections'), function (row) { return row[column]; }); if ($.common.isNotEmpty(table.options.rememberSelected) && table.options.rememberSelected) { var selectedRows = table.rememberSelecteds[table.options.id]; if($.common.isNotEmpty(selectedRows)) { rows = $.map(table.rememberSelecteds[table.options.id], function (row) { return row[column]; }); } } return $.common.uniqueFn(rows); }, // 获取当前页选中或者取消的行ID affectedRowIds: function(rows) { var column = $.common.isEmpty(table.options.uniqueId) ? table.options.columns[1].field : table.options.uniqueId; var rowIds; if ($.isArray(rows)) { rowIds = $.map(rows, function(row) { return row[column]; }); } else { rowIds = [rows[column]]; } return rowIds; }, // 查询表格首列值 selectFirstColumns: function() { var rows = $.map($("#" + table.options.id).bootstrapTable('getSelections'), function (row) { return row[table.options.columns[1].field]; }); if ($.common.isNotEmpty(table.options.rememberSelected) && table.options.rememberSelected) { var selectedRows = table.rememberSelecteds[table.options.id]; if($.common.isNotEmpty(selectedRows)) { rows = $.map(selectedRows, function (row) {return row[table.options.columns[1].field]; }); } } return $.common.uniqueFn(rows); }, // 回显数据字典 selectDictLabel: function(datas, value) { var actions = []; $.each(datas, function(index, dict) { if (dict.dictValue == ('' + value)) { var listClass = $.common.equals("default", dict.listClass) || $.common.isEmpty(dict.listClass) ? "" : "badge badge-" + dict.listClass; actions.push($.common.sprintf(" ');actions.push('%s", listClass, dict.dictLabel)); return false; } }); return actions.join(''); }, // 显示表格指定列 showColumn: function(column, tableId) { var currentId = $.common.isEmpty(tableId) ? table.options.id : tableId; $("#" + currentId).bootstrapTable('showColumn', column); }, // 隐藏表格指定列 hideColumn: function(column, tableId) { var currentId = $.common.isEmpty(tableId) ? table.options.id : tableId; $("#" + currentId).bootstrapTable('hideColumn', column); } }, // 表格树封装处理 treeTable: { // 初始化表格 init: function(options) { var defaults = { id: "bootstrap-tree-table", type: 1, // 0 代表bootstrapTable 1代表bootstrapTreeTable height: 0, rootIdValue: null, ajaxParams: {}, toolbar: "toolbar", striped: false, expandColumn: 1, showSearch: true, showRefresh: true, showColumns: true, expandAll: true, expandFirst: true }; var options = $.extend(defaults, options); table.options = options; table.config[options.id] = options; $.bttTable = $('#' + options.id).bootstrapTreeTable({ code: options.code, // 用于设置父子关系 parentCode: options.parentCode,// 用于设置父子关系 type: 'post', // 请求方式(*) url: options.url,// 请求后台的URL(*) data: options.data, // 无url时用于渲染的数据 ajaxParams: options.ajaxParams,// 请求数据的ajax的data属性 rootIdValue: options.rootIdValue, // 设置指定根节点id值 height: options.height, // 表格树的高度 expandColumn: options.expandColumn, // 在哪一列上面显示展开按钮 striped: options.striped, // 是否显示行间隔色 bordered: false, // 是否显示边框 toolbar: '#' + options.toolbar,// 指定工作栏 showSearch: options.showSearch,// 是否显示检索信息 showRefresh: options.showRefresh, // 是否显示刷新按钮 showColumns: options.showColumns, // 是否显示隐藏某列下拉框 expandAll: options.expandAll, // 是否全部展开 expandFirst: options.expandFirst, // 是否默认第一级展开--expandAll为false时生效 columns: options.columns, // 显示列信息(*) responseHandler: $.treeTable.responseHandler // 当所有数据被加载时触发处理函数 }); }, // 条件查询 search: function(formId) { var currentId = $.common.isEmpty(formId) ? 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"800" : width; var _height = $.common.isEmpty(height) ? ($(window).height() - 50) : height; //如果是移动端,就使用自适应大小弹窗 if ($.common.isMobile()) { _width = 'auto'; _height = 'auto'; } var options = {title: table.options.modalName + "详细",width: _width,height: _height,url: _url,skin: 'layui-layer-gray', btn: ['关闭'],yes: function (index, layero) { layer.close(index); }}; $.modal.openOptions(options); },// 详细信息detailRemind: function(id, editUrl, width, height) {table.set();var _url = $.operate.detailUrl(id);var _width = $.common.isEmpty(width) ? "800" : width;var _height = $.common.isEmpty(height) ? ($(window).height() - 50) : height;//如果是移动端,就使用自适应大小弹窗if ($.common.isMobile()) {_width = 'auto';_height = 'auto';}var options = {title: table.options.modalName + "详细",width: _width,height: _height,url: _url,btn: ['标记已读','关闭'],yes: function (index, layero) {$.operate.save(editUrl, {"id":id});}};$.modal.openOptions(options);}, // 详细访问地址 detailUrl: function(id) { var url = "/404.html"; if ($.common.isNotEmpty(id)) { url = table.options.detailUrl.replace("{id}", id); } else { var id = $.common.isEmpty(table.options.uniqueId) ? $.table.selectFirstColumns() : $.table.selectColumns(table.options.uniqueId); if (id.length == 0) { $.modal.alertWarning("请至少选择一条记录"); return; } url = table.options.detailUrl.replace("{id}", id); } return url; }, // 删除信息 remove: function(id) { table.set(); $.modal.confirm("确定删除该条" + table.options.modalName + "信息吗?", function() { var url = $.common.isEmpty(id) ? table.options.removeUrl : table.options.removeUrl.replace("{id}", id); if(table.options.type == table_type.bootstrapTreeTable) { $.operate.get(url); } else { var data = { "ids": id }; $.operate.submit(url, "post", "json", data); } }); }, // 批量删除信息 removeAll: function() { table.set(); var rows = $.common.isEmpty(table.options.uniqueId) ? $.table.selectFirstColumns() : $.table.selectColumns(table.options.uniqueId); if (rows.length == 0) { $.modal.alertWarning("请至少选择一条记录"); return; } $.modal.confirm("确认要删除选中的" + rows.length + "条数据吗?", function() { var url = table.options.removeUrl; var data = { "ids": rows.join() }; $.operate.submit(url, "post", "json", data); }); }, // 清空信息 clean: function() { table.set(); $.modal.confirm("确定清空所有" + table.options.modalName + "吗?", function() { var url = table.options.cleanUrl; $.operate.submit(url, "post", "json", ""); }); }, // 添加信息 add: function(id) { table.set(); $.modal.open("添加" + table.options.modalName, $.operate.addUrl(id)); }, // 添加信息,以tab页展现 addTab: function (id) { table.set(); $.modal.openTab("添加" + table.options.modalName, $.operate.addUrl(id)); }, // 添加信息 全屏 addFull: function(id) { table.set(); var url = $.common.isEmpty(id) ? table.options.createUrl : table.options.createUrl.replace("{id}", id); $.modal.openFull("添加" + table.options.modalName, url); }, // 添加访问地址 addUrl: function(id) { var url = $.common.isEmpty(id) ? table.options.createUrl.replace("{id}", "") : table.options.createUrl.replace("{id}", id); return url; }, // 修改信息 edit: function(id) { table.set(); if($.common.isEmpty(id) && table.options.type == table_type.bootstrapTreeTable) { var row = $("#" + table.options.id).bootstrapTreeTable('getSelections')[0]; if ($.common.isEmpty(row)) { $.modal.alertWarning("请至少选择一条记录"); return; } var url = table.options.updateUrl.replace("{id}", row[table.options.uniqueId]); $.modal.open("修改" + table.options.modalName, url); } else { $.modal.open("修改" + table.options.modalName, $.operate.editUrl(id)); } }, // 修改信息,以tab页展现 editTab: function(id) { table.set(); $.modal.openTab("修改" + table.options.modalName, $.operate.editUrl(id)); }, // 修改信息 全屏 editFull: function(id) { table.set(); var url = "/404.html"; if ($.common.isNotEmpty(id)) { url = table.options.updateUrl.replace("{id}", id); } else { if(table.options.type == table_type.bootstrapTreeTable) { var row = $("#" + table.options.id).bootstrapTreeTable('getSelections')[0]; if ($.common.isEmpty(row)) { $.modal.alertWarning("请至少选择一条记录"); return; } url = table.options.updateUrl.replace("{id}", row[table.options.uniqueId]); } else { var row = $.common.isEmpty(table.options.uniqueId) ? 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var editFlag = [[${@permission.hasPermi('data:information:edit')}]]; var removeFlag = [[${@permission.hasPermi('data:information:remove')}]]; var information = [[${@dict.getType('information')}]]; var prefix = ctx + "data/information"; var prefixMed = ctx + "data/medicine"; $(function () { var panehHidden = false; if ($(this).width() < 769) { panehHidden = true; } $('body').layout({initClosed: panehHidden, west__size: 350}); var options = { url: prefixMed + "/list", showSearch: false, showRefresh: false, showColumns: false, showToggle: false, onCheck:function(row){ var html = ""+row.name+"" + ""; $("#medDiv").append(html); }, onUncheck:function (row){ $("#"+row.code+"Name").remove(); $("#"+row.id+"Id").remove(); }, sortName: "createTime", sortOrder: "desc", modalName: "数据登记", columns: [ { checkbox: true, title: '编号' }, { field: 'code', title: '编号', align: 'center', }, { field: 'name', title: '姓名', align: 'center', }] }; $.table.init(options); }); function submitHandler(type) { if ($.validate.form()) { $("input[name='medId']").each(function(i,item){ var html = '' $("#medCodeSave").append(html); }); $("span[name='medName']").each(function(i,item){ var html = '' $("#medNameSave").append(html); }); $.operate.save(prefix + "/add?type="+type, $('#form-information-add').serialize()); } }
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package com.guizhou.data.domain;import com.guizhou.common.annotation.Excel;import com.guizhou.common.core.domain.BaseEntity;import lombok.Data;import java.util.List;/** * 消息群发对象 medicine_information * * @author guizhou * @date 2022-02-24 */@Datapublic class MedicineInformation extends BaseEntity{ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** id */ private String id; /** 通知内容 */ @Excel(name = "通知内容") private String substance; /** 通知时间 */ @Excel(name = "通知时间") private String changeTime; /** 通知人员id */ @Excel(name = "通知人员id") private String medicineId; /** 通知人员名称 */ @Excel(name = "通知人员名称") private String medicineName; /** 消息状态 1未发送,0已发送 */ @Excel(name = "消息状态 1未发送,0已发送") private String status; private List medIds; private List names;}
package com.guizhou.web.controller.data;import java.util.List;import java.util.Objects;import com.guizhou.common.constant.MedConstants;import com.guizhou.common.utils.DateUtils;import com.guizhou.common.utils.StringUtils;import com.guizhou.framework.util.ShiroUtils;import org.apache.shiro.authz.annotation.RequiresPermissions;import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;import org.springframework.ui.ModelMap;import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable;import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody;import com.guizhou.common.annotation.Log;import com.guizhou.common.enums.BusinessType;import com.guizhou.data.domain.MedicineInformation;import com.guizhou.data.service.IMedicineInformationService;import com.guizhou.common.core.controller.BaseController;import com.guizhou.common.core.domain.AjaxResult;import com.guizhou.common.utils.poi.ExcelUtil;import com.guizhou.common.core.page.TableDataInfo;/** * 消息群发Controller * * @author guizhou * @date 2022-02-24 */@Controller@RequestMapping("/data/information")public class MedicineInformationController extends BaseController{ private String prefix = "data/information"; private String save = "save"; private String send = "send"; @Autowired private IMedicineInformationService medicineInformationService; @RequiresPermissions("data:information:view") @GetMapping() public String information() { return prefix + "/information"; } /** * 查询消息群发列表 */ @RequiresPermissions("data:information:list") @PostMapping("/list") @ResponseBody public TableDataInfo list(MedicineInformation medicineInformation) { startPage(); List list = medicineInformationService.selectMedicineInformationList(medicineInformation); return getDataTable(list); } /** * 导出消息群发列表 */ @RequiresPermissions("data:information:export") @Log(title = "消息群发", businessType = BusinessType.EXPORT) @PostMapping("/export") @ResponseBody public AjaxResult export(MedicineInformation medicineInformation) { List list = medicineInformationService.selectMedicineInformationList(medicineInformation); ExcelUtil util = new ExcelUtil(MedicineInformation.class); return util.exportExcel(list, "information"); } /** * 新增消息群发 */ @GetMapping("/add") public String add() { return prefix + "/add"; } /** * 新增保存消息群发 */ @RequiresPermissions("data:information:add") @Log(title = "消息群发", businessType = BusinessType.INSERT) @PostMapping("/add") @ResponseBody public AjaxResult addSave(MedicineInformation medicineInformation,String type) { medicineInformation.setId(medicineInformation.getUUId()); medicineInformation.setCreateBy(ShiroUtils.getLoginName()); if(Objects.nonNull(medicineInformation.getMedIds())){ medicineInformation.setMedicineId(StringUtils.join(medicineInformation.getMedIds().toArray(),",")); } if(Objects.nonNull(medicineInformation.getNames())){ medicineInformation.setMedicineName(StringUtils.join(medicineInformation.getNames().toArray(),",")); } //保存数据即可 if(save.equals(type)){ medicineInformation.setStatus(MedConstants.SEND_STATUS_1); medicineInformation.setChangeTime(DateUtils.getTime()); }else if(send.equals(type)){ medicineInformation.setChangeTime(DateUtils.getTime()); medicineInformation.setStatus(MedConstants.SEND_STATUS_0); } return toAjax(medicineInformationService.insertMedicineInformation(medicineInformation)); } /** * 修改消息群发 */ @GetMapping("/edit/{id}") public String edit(@PathVariable("id") String id, ModelMap mmap) { MedicineInformation medicineInformation = medicineInformationService.selectMedicineInformationById(id); mmap.put("medicineInformation", medicineInformation); return prefix + "/edit"; } /** * 修改保存消息群发 */ @RequiresPermissions("data:information:edit") @Log(title = "消息群发", businessType = BusinessType.UPDATE) @PostMapping("/edit") @ResponseBody public AjaxResult editSave(MedicineInformation medicineInformation) { medicineInformation.setUpdateBy(ShiroUtils.getLoginName()); return toAjax(medicineInformationService.updateMedicineInformation(medicineInformation)); } /** * 发送消息 */ //带着权限去操作data:information:fs @RequiresPermissions("data:information:fs") @Log(title = "消息群发", businessType = BusinessType.UPDATE) @PostMapping("/fs") @ResponseBody public AjaxResult editSave(String id) { MedicineInformation medicineInformation = medicineInformationService.selectMedicineInformationById(id); medicineInformation.setStatus(MedConstants.SEND_STATUS_0); medicineInformation.setChangeTime(DateUtils.getTime()); medicineInformation.setUpdateBy(ShiroUtils.getLoginName()); return toAjax(medicineInformationService.updateMedicineInformation(medicineInformation)); } /** * 查看详细 */ @GetMapping("/detail/{id}") public String detail(@PathVariable("id") String id, ModelMap mmap) { MedicineInformation medicineInformation = medicineInformationService.selectMedicineInformationById(id); mmap.put("medicineInformation", medicineInformation); return prefix + "/detail"; } /** * 删除消息群发 */ @RequiresPermissions("data:information:remove") @Log(title = "消息群发", businessType = BusinessType.DELETE) @PostMapping( "/remove") @ResponseBody public AjaxResult remove(String ids) { return toAjax(medicineInformationService.deleteMedicineInformationByIds(ids)); }}
package com.guizhou.data.service;import java.util.List;import com.guizhou.data.domain.MedicineInformation;/** * 消息群发Service接口 * * @author guizhou * @date 2022-02-24 */public interface IMedicineInformationService { /** * 查询消息群发 * * @param id 消息群发ID * @return 消息群发 */ public MedicineInformation selectMedicineInformationById(String id); /** * 查询消息群发列表 * * @param medicineInformation 消息群发 * @return 消息群发集合 */ public List selectMedicineInformationList(MedicineInformation medicineInformation); /** * 新增消息群发 * * @param medicineInformation 消息群发 * @return 结果 */ public int insertMedicineInformation(MedicineInformation medicineInformation); /** * 修改消息群发 * * @param medicineInformation 消息群发 * @return 结果 */ public int updateMedicineInformation(MedicineInformation medicineInformation); /** * 批量删除消息群发 * * @param ids 需要删除的数据ID * @return 结果 */ public int deleteMedicineInformationByIds(String ids); /** * 删除消息群发信息 * * @param id 消息群发ID * @return 结果 */ public int deleteMedicineInformationById(String id);}
package com.guizhou.data.service.impl;import java.util.List;import com.guizhou.common.utils.DateUtils;import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;import com.guizhou.data.mapper.MedicineInformationMapper;import com.guizhou.data.domain.MedicineInformation;import com.guizhou.data.service.IMedicineInformationService;import com.guizhou.common.core.text.Convert;/** * 消息群发Service业务层处理 * * @author guizhou * @date 2022-02-24 */@Servicepublic class MedicineInformationServiceImpl implements IMedicineInformationService { @Autowired private MedicineInformationMapper medicineInformationMapper; /** * 查询消息群发 * * @param id 消息群发ID * @return 消息群发 */ @Override public MedicineInformation selectMedicineInformationById(String id) { return medicineInformationMapper.selectMedicineInformationById(id); } /** * 查询消息群发列表 * * @param medicineInformation 消息群发 * @return 消息群发 */ @Override public List selectMedicineInformationList(MedicineInformation medicineInformation) { return medicineInformationMapper.selectMedicineInformationList(medicineInformation); } /** * 新增消息群发 * * @param medicineInformation 消息群发 * @return 结果 */ @Override public int insertMedicineInformation(MedicineInformation medicineInformation) { medicineInformation.setCreateTime(DateUtils.getNowDate()); return medicineInformationMapper.insertMedicineInformation(medicineInformation); } /** * 修改消息群发 * * @param medicineInformation 消息群发 * @return 结果 */ @Override public int updateMedicineInformation(MedicineInformation medicineInformation) { medicineInformation.setUpdateTime(DateUtils.getNowDate()); return medicineInformationMapper.updateMedicineInformation(medicineInformation); } /** * 删除消息群发对象 * * @param ids 需要删除的数据ID * @return 结果 */ @Override public int deleteMedicineInformationByIds(String ids) { return medicineInformationMapper.deleteMedicineInformationByIds(Convert.toStrArray(ids)); } /** * 删除消息群发信息 * * @param id 消息群发ID * @return 结果 */ @Override public int deleteMedicineInformationById(String id) { return medicineInformationMapper.deleteMedicineInformationById(id); }}
package com.guizhou.data.mapper;import java.util.List;import com.guizhou.data.domain.MedicineInformation;/** * 消息群发Mapper接口 * * @author guizhou * @date 2022-02-24 */public interface MedicineInformationMapper { /** * 查询消息群发 * * @param id 消息群发ID * @return 消息群发 */ public MedicineInformation selectMedicineInformationById(String id); /** * 查询消息群发列表 * * @param medicineInformation 消息群发 * @return 消息群发集合 */ public List selectMedicineInformationList(MedicineInformation medicineInformation); /** * 新增消息群发 * * @param medicineInformation 消息群发 * @return 结果 */ public int insertMedicineInformation(MedicineInformation medicineInformation); /** * 修改消息群发 * * @param medicineInformation 消息群发 * @return 结果 */ public int updateMedicineInformation(MedicineInformation medicineInformation); /** * 删除消息群发 * * @param id 消息群发ID * @return 结果 */ public int deleteMedicineInformationById(String id); /** * 批量删除消息群发 * * @param ids 需要删除的数据ID * @return 结果 */ public int deleteMedicineInformationByIds(String[] ids);}
select id, substance, change_time, medicine_id, medicine_name, status, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time from medicine_information and substance = #{substance} and change_time = #{changeTime} and medicine_id = #{medicineId} and medicine_name like concat('%', #{medicineName}, '%') and status = #{status} order by create_time desc where id = #{id} insert into medicine_information id, substance, change_time, medicine_id, medicine_name, status, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, #{id}, #{substance}, #{changeTime}, #{medicineId}, #{medicineName}, #{status}, #{createBy}, #{createTime}, #{updateBy}, #{updateTime}, update medicine_information substance = #{substance}, change_time = #{changeTime}, medicine_id = #{medicineId}, medicine_name = #{medicineName}, status = #{status}, create_by = #{createBy}, create_time = #{createTime}, update_by = #{updateBy}, update_time = #{updateTime}, where id = #{id} delete from medicine_information where id = #{id} delete from medicine_information where id in #{id}