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Abnormality and some String practice


Attention:Here STR ="test OK "is not changing the value but making STR refer to a new object 

knowlodge pointAssignment of a reference variablep57.




Knowledge point: charater's ordinary pool


public class String {    public static void main(String[] args) {     StringBuilder stringBuilder=new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.append("hello"); stringBuilder.append("world"); java.lang.String s=stringBuilder.toString(); System.out.println(s);    }}

knowledge point: 

Knowledge point:

The append method always adds these characters to the end of the builder, so the contents of the StringBuilder can be modified

interview question:

1. The difference between String, StringBuffer, StringBuilder  

The contents of String cannot be modified. The contents of StringBuffer and StringBuilder can be modified.  

A StringBuffer is similar to a StringBuilder in most respects  

StringBuffer is a synchronous, thread-safe operation.  StringBuilder does not use synchronization, which is a thread-unsafe operation

2.How many String created in total?[Regardless of whether the constant pool existed before]

String str = new String("ab");  // 会创建多少个对象String str = new String("a") + new String("b");  // 会创建多少个对象

Answer:2 and 5




    public class Pratice { public static void main(String[] args) {     String word="loveleetcode";     int ret= Find (word);     System.out.println(ret); } static int Find(String word){     int[]count=new int[26];     for (int i = 0; i <word.length(); i++) {  char ch=word.charAt(i);  count[ch-'a']++;     }     for (int i = 0; i <word.length(); i++) {  char ch=word.charAt(i);  if (count[i]==1){      return i;  }     }     return -1; }    }

2.Calculate the length of the last word in the string

    public class Pratice { public static void main(String[] args) {     String word="loveleetcode";     int ret= Calculate (word);     System.out.println(ret); } static int Calculate(String word) {     String s=word.substring(word.lastIndexOf(' ')+1);     int len=s.length();     return len; }    }

 Split by characte:unfamiliar

 Train of thought:

Attention:Conversion to lower-case



    public class Pratice { public static void main(String[] args) {     String word="A man, a plan, a canal: Panama";     word=word.toLowerCase();     boolean ret= Estimate (word);     System.out.println(ret); } static boolean Wheather(char ch){     if (ch>='a'&&ch='0'&&ch<='9'){  return true;     }     return false; } static boolean Estimate(String word) {     int left=0;     int right=word.length()-1;     while (left<right){  while (left<right&&!Wheather(word.charAt(left))){      left++;  }  while (left<right&&!Wheather(word.charAt(right))){      right--;  }  if (word.charAt(left)!=word.charAt(right)){      return false;  }else {      left++;      right--;  }     }     return true; }    }


gitte address:2022-6-1 · 孙雨嘉/Practice the warehouse - 码云 - 开源中国 (gitee.com)