> 文档中心 > 微信小程序-省市区-收货地址及购物车使用























//获取应用实例var base = getApp();var area = require('../../../utils/cityArray.js')var areaInfo = [];//所有省市区县数据var provinces = [];//省var citys = [];//城市var countys = [];//区县var index = [0, 0, 0];var t = 0;var show = false;var moveY = 200;Page({  data: {    loaded: true,    mode: "add",    consigee: "",    phone: "",    address: "",    editArea: "",//修改专用初始化字段    provinceIndex: 0, //省份    cityIndex: 0, //城市    countyIndex: 0, //区县    show: show,    provinces: provinces,    citys: citys,    countys: countys,    value: [0, 0, 0],  },  //滑动事件  bindChange: function (e) {    var val = e.detail.value    // console.log(e)    //判断滑动的是第几个column    //若省份column做了滑动则定位到地级市和区县第一位    if (index[0] != val[0]) {      val[1] = 0;      val[2] = 0;      getCityArr(val[0], this);//获取地级市数据      getCountyInfo(val[0], val[1], this);//获取区县数据    } else {    //若省份column未做滑动,地级市做了滑动则定位区县第一位      if (index[1] != val[1]) { val[2] = 0; getCountyInfo(val[0], val[1], this);//获取区县数据      }    }    index = val;    console.log(index + " => " + val);    //更新数据    this.setData({      value: [val[0], val[1], val[2]],      province: provinces[val[0]].name,      city: citys[val[1]].name,      county: countys[val[2]].name    })  },  onLoad: function (options) {    var that = this;    //获取省市区县数据 areaInfo = area.getAreaInfo();    getProvinceData(that);  },  onReady: function () {    this.animation = wx.createAnimation({      transformOrigin: "50% 50%",      duration: 0,      timingFunction: "ease",      delay: 0    })    this.animation.translateY(200 + 'vh').step();    this.setData({      animation: this.animation.export(),      show: show    })  },  //移动按钮点击事件  translate: function (e) {    if (t == 0) {      moveY = 0;      show = false;      t = 1;    } else {      moveY = 200;      show = true;      t = 0;    }    // this.animation.translate(arr[0], arr[1]).step();    animationEvents(this, moveY, show);  },  //隐藏弹窗浮层  hiddenFloatView(e) {    console.log(e);    moveY = 200;    show = true;    t = 0;    animationEvents(this, moveY, show);  },  //页面滑至底部事件  onReachBottom: function () {    // Do something when page reach bottom.  },  changeName: function (e) {    this.setData({      consigee: e.detail.value    })  },  changePhone: function (e) {    this.setData({      phone: e.detail.value    })  },  changeAddress: function (e) {    this.setData({      address: e.detail.value    })  },  //提交按钮事件  submit: function () {    var _this = this;    if (_this.valid()) {    var addr = { name: _this.data.consigee, phone: _this.data.phone, address: _this.data.address ,      };}  },  valid: function () {    var _this = this;var err = "";    if (!_this.data.consigee) {      err = "请填写收货人姓名!";      wx.showModal({ showCancel: false, title: '', content: err      })      return false;    }    if (!_this.data.phone) {      err = "请填写收货人手机号码!";      wx.showModal({ showCancel: false, title: '', content: err      })      return false;    }    if (!_this.phoneRegex(_this.data.phone)) {      err = "手机号码格式不正确!";      wx.showModal({ showCancel: false, title: '', content: err      })      return false;    }if (!_this.data.address) {      err = "请填写详细收货地址!";      wx.showModal({ showCancel: false, title: '', content: err      })      return false;    }    return true;  },  phoneRegex: function (val) {    var regex = /^1[3|4|5|7|8][0-9]\d{8}$/;    if (!regex.test(val)) {      return false;    }    return true;  }})//动画事件function animationEvents(that, moveY, show) {  console.log("moveY:" + moveY + "\nshow:" + show);  that.animation = wx.createAnimation({    transformOrigin: "50% 50%",    duration: 400,    timingFunction: "ease",    delay: 0  })  that.animation.translateY(moveY + 'vh').step()  that.setData({    animation: that.animation.export(),    show: show  })}//获取省份数据function getProvinceData(that) {  var s;  provinces = [];  var num = 0;  for (var i = 0; i < areaInfo.length; i++) {    s = areaInfo[i];    if (s.di == "00" && s.xian == "00") {      provinces[num] = s;      num++;    }  }  that.setData({    provinces: provinces  })  //初始化调一次  getCityArr(0, that);  getCountyInfo(0, 0, that);}// 获取地级市数据function getCityArr(count, that) {  var c;  citys = [];  var num = 0;  for (var i = 0; i < areaInfo.length; i++) {    c = areaInfo[i];    //console.log(c);    if (c.xian == "00" && c.sheng == provinces[count].sheng && c.di != "00") {      citys[num] = c;      num++;    }  }  if (citys.length == 0) {    citys[0] = { name: '' };  }  that.setData({    city: "",    citys: citys,    value: [count, 0, 0]  })}// 获取区县数据function getCountyInfo(column0, column1, that) {  var c;  countys = [];  var num = 0;  for (var i = 0; i < areaInfo.length; i++) {    c = areaInfo[i];    if (c.xian != "00" && c.sheng == provinces[column0].sheng && c.di == citys[column1].di) {      countys[num] = c;      num++;    }  }  if (countys.length == 0) {    countys[0] = { name: '' };  }  that.setData({    county: "",    countys: countys,    value: [column0, column1, 0]  })}



                             地区: {{province}}  {{city}}  {{county}}                    确认提交        取消 确定      {{item.name}}  {{item.name}}   {{item.name}}             


  添加收货地址            {{a.wx_member_name}} {{a.wx_member_phone}}      {{a.wx_province}} {{a.wx_city}} {{a.wx_Addr}}                  <!--    设置默认 --> 删除 修改        


添加收货地址 嵌入保存  + 编辑的回显方法

onLoad: function (options) {    var that = this;    //获取省市区县数据 areaInfo = area.getAreaInfo();    getProvinceData(that);    if (wx.getStorageSync('toEdit') == true){    wx.request({      })  }  }, //提交按钮事件  submit: function () {    var _this = this;    if (_this.valid()) {    var addr = { name: _this.data.consigee, phone: _this.data.phone, address: _this.data.address ,      };    wx.request({     })   }  },



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.body {  margin: 20px 0;  background-color: #fff;  box-shadow: 5px 0 #f7f7f7;  font-size: 15px;  font-family: 'microsoft yahei',Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;}.ipt{background: #eee; margin: 10px;width:95%;}.ipt input{height:40px;padding-left:10px; }.section{line-height:40px;background: #eee; margin: 10px;height:40px;width:95%;}.btn {  display: block;  height: 2.277em;  line-height: 2.277em;  margin: 10% auto;  width: 80%;  text-align: center;  background: #ff6000;  color: #fff;  border-radius: 8px;  border: none;  font-size: 1.133em;}.infoText{    margin-top: 20rpx;    text-align: center;    width: 100%;    justify-content: center; }picker-view{  background-color: white;  padding: 0;  width: 100%;   height: 380rpx;  bottom: 0;  position: fixed;}picker-view-column view{  vertical-align:middle;   font-size: 28rpx;  line-height: 28rpx;  height: 100%;  display: flex;  align-items: center;  justify-content: center;}/* ----------------------------------------- */.animation-element-wrapper {  display: flex;    position: fixed;  left: 0;  top:0;  height: 100%;  width: 100%;  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);}.animation-element {  display: flex;  position: fixed;  width: 100%;  height: 470rpx;  bottom: 0;  background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);}.animation-button {  top:20rpx;  width: 290rpx;  height: 100rpx;    align-items:center;}text{  color: #999999;  display: inline-flex;    position: fixed;  margin-top: 20rpx;  height: 50rpx;  text-align: center;  line-height: 50rpx;  font-size: 34rpx;  font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}.left-bt{  left: 30rpx;}.right-bt {  right: 30rpx;}.line{  display: block;  position: fixed;  height: 1rpx;  width: 100%;  margin-top: 89rpx;   background-color: #eeeeee;}




  返回  <!-- 详情(滑动可移除) -->  <!-- 编辑 -->  编辑             完成                                全选      合计:¥ {{totalPrice}}       去结算({{selectArr.length}})             删除        


var base = getApp();var preview=require('../../utils/preview.js');Page({    data: { WxMemberCart: [], total: 0, his: "", plist:[],      loaded: true,      adminShow: true,//编辑或完成     totalPrice: 0,//总金额allselect: false,//是否全选   selectArr: [], //已选择的商品 hadOnShow: false,    },    onLoad: function (e) {      _this.onShow();    },    onShow: function (e) { let _this = this      if (_this.data.hadOnShow) { return      }      _this.setData({ hadOnShow: true      }) },    goBack: function () { var _this = this; wx.navigateTo({     url: _this.data.his })    },//-------------------------    //计算价格  calculateTotal: function () {    var selectArr = this.data.selectArr;   //已选择的商品    var totalPrice = 0;    if (selectArr.length) {  //如果存在商品就计算价格      for (var i = 0; i < selectArr.length; i++) { totalPrice += selectArr[i].wx_goodsNum * selectArr[i].wx_productPrice;      }      totalPrice = totalPrice.toFixed(2);  //乘法有点问题, 需要保留一下小数      console.log("计算价格:", totalPrice)      this.setData({ totalPrice: totalPrice      })    } else {  //不存在商品就把总价格置为 0      this.setData({ totalPrice: 0      })    }  },  //判断是否为全选    judgmentAll: function () {    var WxMemberCart = this.data.WxMemberCart;  //初始数据    var selectArr = this.data.selectArr;  //已选择的商品    if (selectArr.length == WxMemberCart.length) {  //长度相等就是全部选上了      this.setData({ allselect: true      })    } else {      this.setData({ allselect: false      })    }  },  //全选  allcheckTap: function () {    var that = this;    var WxMemberCart = that.data.WxMemberCart;  //初始数据    var selectArr = [];  //定义空数组    var allselect = !that.data.allselect; //data里的是否全选先改变状态存着    if (allselect) { //如果为真, 初始数据里的每条checked变为true, 然后push到定义的空数组里      for (var i = 0; i < WxMemberCart.length; i++) { WxMemberCart[i].checked = true; selectArr.push(WxMemberCart[i])      }    } else { //不为真就变成false, 定义的数组再置空一次      for (var i = 0; i < WxMemberCart.length; i++) { WxMemberCart[i].checked = false;      }      selectArr = [];    }    that.setData({   //重新设置数据      WxMemberCart: WxMemberCart,  //初始的数据      allselect: allselect,  //全选的状态      selectArr: selectArr  //已选择的商品    })    that.calculateTotal();  // 最后计算一次价格 (计算价格放到重置数据之前会出问题)  },  //单个商品选择  checkTap: function (e) {    var index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index; //取到渲染的下标    var WxMemberCart = this.data.WxMemberCart;  //初始数据    var selectArr = this.data.selectArr; //已选择的商品数组    WxMemberCart[index].checked = !WxMemberCart[index].checked //没选中的就要选中, 选中了的就取消选中状态    if (WxMemberCart[index].checked) { //如果选中了, 就放到一选择的商品数组里      for (var i = 0; i < WxMemberCart.length; i++) { if (WxMemberCart[i] == WxMemberCart[index]) {   selectArr.push(WxMemberCart[index]) }      }      this.judgmentAll();  //计算价格    } else {  //取消选中就从已选择的商品数组里移除      for (var i = 0; i < selectArr.length; i++) { if (selectArr[i].id == WxMemberCart[index].id) {   selectArr.splice(i, 1) }      }      this.judgmentAll(); //选择的时候要判断是不是已经选择了全部的    }    this.calculateTotal(); //计算一次价格    console.log("已选择的商品:", selectArr)    this.setData({  //重置数据      WxMemberCart: WxMemberCart,      selectArr: selectArr    })  },  //数量加减  numchangeTap: function (e) {    var types = e.currentTarget.dataset.types;   //加和减的两张图片上分别设置了types属性var index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index;  //获取下标    var WxMemberCart = this.data.WxMemberCart;  //初始数据    if (types == 'minus') {  //减      var wx_goodsNum = WxMemberCart[index].wx_goodsNum;      if (wx_goodsNum <= 1) {  //不允许商品数量小于1 ,  都添加到购物车了还要减到0是几个意思? 反正有个删除按钮 return;      } else { WxMemberCart[index].wx_goodsNum--; this.setData({   WxMemberCart: WxMemberCart }) this.calculateTotal();  //计算价格      }    }    if (types == "add") {  //加      WxMemberCart[index].wx_goodsNum++;   //加就不判断了, 加到二十二世纪去都行      this.setData({ WxMemberCart: WxMemberCart      })      this.calculateTotal();  //计算价格    }    //购物车实时更新某个商品的数量  },  //删除商品   deleteshopTap: function () {      var _this = this;var WxMemberCart = this.data.WxMemberCart;   //初始数据    var selectArr = this.data.selectArr;  //已选择的商品数组    if (selectArr.length) {  //如果以选择的商品数组里有长度      for (var i = 0; i < WxMemberCart.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j  0) {      wx.navigateTo({ url: '../order/order?from=cart'      })  } else {      base.modal({ title: '未选择商品', showCancel: false      })    }  },});


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⚠️注意 ~



