> 文档中心 > 《从面试题来看源码》-LinkedBlockingQueue 源码分析

《从面试题来看源码》-LinkedBlockingQueue 源码分析

《从面试题来看源码》-LinkedBlockingQueue 源码分析

源码基于open-jdk 11

关联文档:有哪些并发队列?及ConcurrentLinkedQueue 源码分析

有界阻塞队列,使用单向链表实现,通过ReentrantLock实现线程安全,阻塞通过Condition实现,出队和入队各一把锁,不存在互相竞争 ,一种经典的生产和消费模式场景




static class Node<E> {    //值    E item;    /**     * 表示有效的后续节点     * null 表示最后一个节点     */    Node<E> next;    Node(E x) { item = x; }}



private class Itr implements Iterator<E> {    private Node<E> next;    //保存下一个节点    private E nextItem;      // 保存下一个节点的item值    private Node<E> lastRet;//最近返回的项目节点    private Node<E> ancestor;//remove()中用于断开连接    Itr() { //获取写锁和取锁,takeLock 和 putLock fullyLock(); try {     //从头节点开始,如果头节点的下一个节点存在     //为什么不直接用head呢?因为head最开始是指向一个哨兵节点,item=next=null     if ((next = head.next) != null)  //就将下一个节点的item值保存  nextItem = next.item; } finally {     //释放写锁和取锁     fullyUnlock(); }    }    //通过next判断是否有下一个节点    public boolean hasNext() { return next != null;    }    //获取下一个节点    public E next() { Node<E> p; if ((p = next) == null)     throw new NoSuchElementException(); //p = next != null,将节点保存在lastRet中 lastRet = p; E x = nextItem; //获取写锁和取锁 fullyLock(); try {     E e = null;     //获取有效的节点,直到节点的item值不为null     for (p = p.next; p != null && (e = p.item) == null; )  //获取下一个节点  p = succ(p);     next = p;     nextItem = e; } finally {     //释放锁     fullyUnlock(); } return x;    }    //循环对队列中的元素应用指定操作    public void forEachRemaining(Consumer<? super E> action) { Objects.requireNonNull(action); Node<E> p; if ((p = next) == null) return; lastRet = p; next = null; final int batchSize = 64; Object[] es = null; int n, len = 1; do {     //获取写锁和读锁     fullyLock();     try {  //这是时候进行初始化,获取数组长度,创建数组  if (es == null) {      p = p.next;      for (Node<E> q = p; q != null; q = succ(q))   if (q.item != null && ++len == batchSize)break;      es = new Object[len];      es[0] = nextItem;      nextItem = null;      n = 1;  } else      n = 0;  //开始循环赋值  for (; p != null && n < len; p = succ(p))      if ((es[n] = p.item) != null) {   lastRet = p;   n++;      }     } finally {  //释放锁  fullyUnlock();     }     //循环执行指定操作     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") E e = (E) es[i];  action.accept(e);     } } while (n > 0 && p != null);    }    public void remove() { Node<E> p = lastRet; if (p == null)     throw new IllegalStateException(); lastRet = null; fullyLock(); try {     if (p.item != null) {  //第一次的时候从头部开始  if (ancestor == null)      ancestor = head;  //查找当前节点p的上一个节点,findPred通过循环比较的方式  ancestor = findPred(p, ancestor);  //断开连接  unlink(p, ancestor);     } } finally {     //释放锁     fullyUnlock(); }    }}



private final class LBQSpliterator implements Spliterator<E> {    static final int MAX_BATCH = 1 << 25;  //处理数组最大长度    Node<E> current;    // 当前节点,初始化前为null    int batch;   // 拆分处理的大小    boolean exhausted;  // true表示没有更多的节点    long est = size();  // 预估大小,size()获取的大小,并不准确    LBQSpliterator() {}    public long estimateSize() { return est; }    //分割队列    public Spliterator<E> trySplit() { Node<E> h; //下面的表达式true,表示还有元素 if (!exhausted &&     ((h = current) != null || (h = head.next) != null)     && h.next != null) {     //获取批量处理的最小值,每次执行trySplit,batch都+1     int n = batch = Math.min(batch + 1, MAX_BATCH);     Object[] a = new Object[n];     int i = 0;     Node<E> p = current;     //获取读锁和写锁     fullyLock();     try {  if (p != null || (p = head.next) != null)      //循环赋值到数组a,直到n个元素      for (; p != null && i < n; p = succ(p))   if ((a[i] = p.item) != null)i++;     } finally {  fullyUnlock();     }     //表示没有元素     if ((current = p) == null) {  est = 0L;  exhausted = true;     }     else if ((est -= i) < 0L)  //迭代器大小-已拆分的长度 < 0,将est赋值为0,防止发生负数  est = 0L;     if (i > 0)  //创建Spliterator,指定迭代器的特性  return Spliterators.spliterator      (a, 0, i, (Spliterator.ORDERED |   Spliterator.NONNULL |   Spliterator.CONCURRENT)); } return null;    }    //获取有效节点,并执行指定函数    public boolean tryAdvance(Consumer<? super E> action) { Objects.requireNonNull(action); //有元素才继续执行 if (!exhausted) {     E e = null;     //获取写锁和读锁     fullyLock();     try {  Node<E> p;  //当前节点p不为null执行,如果为null获取头节点下一个节点,直到获取不为null的节点  if ((p = current) != null || (p = head.next) != null)      do {   e = p.item;   p = succ(p);      } while (e == null && p != null);//获取一个节点值不为null的节点  //这种情况说明,已经没有可获取的节点了  if ((current = p) == null)      exhausted = true;     } finally {  //释放锁  fullyUnlock();     }     if (e != null) {  //应用函数  action.accept(e);  return true;     } } return false;    }    //循环执行指定函数    public void forEachRemaining(Consumer<? super E> action) { Objects.requireNonNull(action); if (!exhausted) {     exhausted = true;     Node<E> p = current;     current = null;     //执行循环的方法     forEachFrom(action, p); }    }    public int characteristics() { return (Spliterator.ORDERED |  Spliterator.NONNULL |  Spliterator.CONCURRENT);    }}


/**队列大小,最大为Integer.MAX_VALUE */private final int capacity;/**队列当前节点数量*/private final AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger();/** * 头部节点 * 不变性: head.item == null */transient Node<E> head;/** * 尾部节点 * 不变变性: last.next == null*/private transient Node<E> last;/**take,poll等要获取的锁*/private final ReentrantLock takeLock = new ReentrantLock();/**当队列为空时,出队操作的线程会阻塞放入该队列中等待*/private final Condition notEmpty = takeLock.newCondition();/**put,offer等要获取的锁*/private final ReentrantLock putLock = new ReentrantLock();/**当队列满时,入队操作的线程会放入该队列中等待*/private final Condition notFull = putLock.newCondition();


//无参构造函数,长度默认为最大长度public LinkedBlockingQueue() {    this(Integer.MAX_VALUE);}//提供容量参数public LinkedBlockingQueue(int capacity) {    if (capacity <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();    this.capacity = capacity;    //构造一个哨兵节点    last = head = new Node<E>(null);}//从给定的集合中创建队列public LinkedBlockingQueue(Collection<? extends E> c) {    //首先创建一个默认队列    this(Integer.MAX_VALUE);    //获取写锁    final ReentrantLock putLock = this.putLock;    putLock.lock(); //虽然不会发生竞争,但保证可见性是必要的    try { int n = 0; for (E e : c) {     if (e == null)  throw new NullPointerException();     if (n == capacity)  throw new IllegalStateException("Queue full");     //入队,将元素加入队列末尾     enqueue(new Node<E>(e));     ++n; } //设置节点数量 count.set(n);    } finally { //释放写锁 putLock.unlock();    }}


//获取队列长度public int size() {    return count.get();}//队列剩余容量public int remainingCapacity() {    return capacity - count.get();}



public void put(E e) throws InterruptedException {    if (e == null) throw new NullPointerException();    final int c;    final Node<E> node = new Node<E>(e);    //获取写锁对象    final ReentrantLock putLock = this.putLock;    //获取队列当前数量    final AtomicInteger count = this.count;    //加锁    putLock.lockInterruptibly();    try { //如果队列数量 已经达到队列的最大容量,则将该线程放入等待队列 while (count.get() == capacity) {     notFull.await(); } //队列未满,插入队列 enqueue(node); //队列数量+1,返回原来的队列数量 c = count.getAndIncrement(); if (c + 1 < capacity)     //说明队列未满,唤醒原来阻塞等待插入的线程     notFull.signal();    } finally { //释放写锁 putLock.unlock();    }    //c == 0 说明第一次插入    if (c == 0) //唤醒原来阻塞等待出队的线程 signalNotEmpty();}



//插队元素,超时版本public boolean offer(E e, long timeout, TimeUnit unit)    throws InterruptedException {//插入元素不能为null    if (e == null) throw new NullPointerException();    //将时间转换为纳秒    long nanos = unit.toNanos(timeout);    final int c;    //写锁    final ReentrantLock putLock = this.putLock;    //队列数量    final AtomicInteger count = this.count;    //加锁,可以被中断    putLock.lockInterruptibly();    try { //如果队列满了 while (count.get() == capacity) {     if (nanos <= 0L)  return false;     //将该线程阻塞等待指定时间     nanos = notFull.awaitNanos(nanos); } //入队 enqueue(new Node<E>(e)); c = count.getAndIncrement(); //表示没满,唤醒原来入队阻塞等待的线程 if (c + 1 < capacity)     notFull.signal();    } finally { //释放锁 putLock.unlock();    }    if (c == 0) //至少有一个元素,队列不为空,唤醒原来出队阻塞的线程 signalNotEmpty();    return true;}//入队,不带超时public boolean offer(E e) {    if (e == null) throw new NullPointerException();    final AtomicInteger count = this.count;    //队列满了,不等待,直接返回false    if (count.get() == capacity) return false;    final int c;    final Node<E> node = new Node<E>(e);    final ReentrantLock putLock = this.putLock;    putLock.lock();    try { //再次检查是否已满 if (count.get() == capacity)     return false; //入队 enqueue(node); c = count.getAndIncrement(); //为true说明队列未满,还可以继续插入 if (c + 1 < capacity)     //唤醒原来阻塞等待的入队线程     notFull.signal();    } finally { putLock.unlock();    }    if (c == 0) signalNotEmpty();    return true;}



public E take() throws InterruptedException {    final E x;    final int c;    final AtomicInteger count = this.count;    final ReentrantLock takeLock = this.takeLock;    takeLock.lockInterruptibly();    try { //没有元素,将线程放入出队列表中 while (count.get() == 0) {     notEmpty.await(); } //出队 x = dequeue(); //队列数量减一,返回原队列数量 c = count.getAndDecrement(); //为true 说明队列还有元素,唤醒之前阻塞的出队线程 if (c > 1)     notEmpty.signal();    } finally { takeLock.unlock();    }    //为true说明之前队列是满的,现在已经至少有一个空闲位置了    if (c == capacity) //唤醒之前阻塞的入队线程 signalNotFull();    return x;}


pool 弹出元素,不阻塞线程,或者阻塞有超时时间

peek 只获取队列的头部元素,不阻塞线程

//弹出元素的超时版本public E poll(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException {    final E x;    final int c;    long nanos = unit.toNanos(timeout);    final AtomicInteger count = this.count;    final ReentrantLock takeLock = this.takeLock;    //可以被中断    takeLock.lockInterruptibly();    try { //为true说明队列是空的 while (count.get() == 0) {     if (nanos <= 0L)  return null;     //阻塞等待nanos,直到超时     nanos = notEmpty.awaitNanos(nanos); } //出队 x = dequeue(); //队列数量减一,返回原来的数量 c = count.getAndDecrement(); //为true说明队列还有元素 if (c > 1)     //唤醒原来阻塞出队的线程     notEmpty.signal();    } finally { takeLock.unlock();    }    //为true,说明现在已经有空闲的位置    if (c == capacity) //唤醒原来阻塞的入队线程 signalNotFull();    return x;}//弹出元素public E poll() {    final AtomicInteger count = this.count;    //队列为空,直接返回null    if (count.get() == 0) return null;    final E x;    final int c;    final ReentrantLock takeLock = this.takeLock;    takeLock.lock();    try { //再次检查队列是否为空 if (count.get() == 0)     return null; //出队 x = dequeue(); c = count.getAndDecrement(); if (c > 1)     notEmpty.signal();    } finally { takeLock.unlock();    }    if (c == capacity) signalNotFull();    return x;}
//获取头部元素public E peek() {    final AtomicInteger count = this.count;    //队列是否为空    if (count.get() == 0) return null;    final ReentrantLock takeLock = this.takeLock;    takeLock.lock();    try { //队列不为空,返回头部元素,head.next,因为还有一个item=null的哨兵节点,比如poll形成的 return (count.get() > 0) ? head.next.item : null;    } finally { takeLock.unlock();    }}


//链接到末尾节点private void enqueue(Node<E> node) {    // assert putLock.isHeldByCurrentThread();    // assert last.next == null;    last = last.next = node;}


//出队,head元素的item始终等于nullprivate E dequeue() {    Node<E> h = head; //①    Node<E> first = h.next; //②    //变为自引用,等GC回收    h.next = h; //③      head = first; //④    E x = first.item; //⑤    first.item = null; //⑥    return x;}


//删除指定元素public boolean remove(Object o) {    if (o == null) return false;    //写锁,读锁都加锁    fullyLock();    try { for (Node<E> pred = head, p = pred.next;      p != null;      pred = p, p = p.next) {     //通过equlas比较元素是否相同     if (o.equals(p.item)) {  //断开连接  unlink(p, pred);  return true;     } } return false;    } finally { fullyUnlock();    }}


//循环判断判断队列是否包含指定元素public boolean contains(Object o) {    if (o == null) return false;    fullyLock();    try { for (Node<E> p = head.next; p != null; p = p.next)     if (o.equals(p.item))  return true; return false;    } finally { fullyUnlock();    }}



public Object[] toArray() {    fullyLock();    try { int size = count.get(); Object[] a = new Object[size]; int k = 0; for (Node<E> p = head.next; p != null; p = p.next)     a[k++] = p.item; return a;    } finally { fullyUnlock();    }}//将队列输出到指定类型的数组public <T> T[] toArray(T[] a) {    fullyLock();    try { int size = count.get(); //如果给定的数组长度小于当前队列的长度,需要扩容 //这里的做法是,通过反射生成一个新的数组 if (a.length < size)     a = (T[])java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance     (a.getClass().getComponentType(), size); int k = 0; for (Node<E> p = head.next; p != null; p = p.next)     a[k++] = (T)p.item; if (a.length > k)     a[k] = null; return a;    } finally { fullyUnlock();    }}



public void clear() {    fullyLock();    try { for (Node<E> p, h = head; (p = h.next) != null; h = p) {     h.next = h;     p.item = null; } head = last; //为true说明之前队列是满的,有可能已经有入队线程阻塞,需要唤醒 if (count.getAndSet(0) == capacity)     notFull.signal();    } finally { fullyUnlock();    }}




public String toString() {    //    return Helpers.collectionToString(this);}



public int drainTo(Collection<? super E> c) {    return drainTo(c, Integer.MAX_VALUE);}public int drainTo(Collection<? super E> c, int maxElements) {    Objects.requireNonNull(c);    if (c == this) throw new IllegalArgumentException();    if (maxElements <= 0) return 0;    boolean signalNotFull = false;    final ReentrantLock takeLock = this.takeLock;    takeLock.lock();    try { //防止超过范围 int n = Math.min(maxElements, count.get()); // count.get provides visibility to first n Nodes Node<E> h = head; int i = 0; try {     while (i < n) {  Node<E> p = h.next;  c.add(p.item);  //将p节点转换为哨兵节点  p.item = null;  //将h节点置为自引用,等待GC回收  h.next = h;  //将p节点做为头节点,继续下次循环  h = p;  ++i;     }     return n; } finally {     // Restore invariants even if c.add() threw     if (i > 0) {  // assert h.item == null;  head = h;  //如果之前队列是满的,并且已经发送了一部分元素,那么需要唤醒之前阻塞的入队线程  signalNotFull = (count.getAndAdd(-i) == capacity);     } }    } finally { takeLock.unlock(); if (signalNotFull)     //唤醒阻塞的入队线程     signalNotFull();    }}



Node<E> succ(Node<E> p) {    //先比较p.next节点是否指向自己p,如果true,则从头节点开始    //如果false返回p.next    //这种写法是不是很巧妙,能够少定义变量,代码也变简洁    if (p == (p = p.next)) p = head.next;    return p;}



public Iterator<E> iterator() {    return new Itr();}



public Spliterator<E> spliterator() {    return new LBQSpliterator();}



public void forEach(Consumer<? super E> action) {    Objects.requireNonNull(action);    forEachFrom(action, null);}


void forEachFrom(Consumer<? super E> action, Node<E> p) {    // Extract batches of elements while holding the lock; then    // run the action on the elements while not    final int batchSize = 64;// max number of elements per batch    Object[] es = null;      // container for batch of elements    int n, len = 0;    do { fullyLock(); try {     if (es == null) {  if (p == null) p = head.next;  //先获取所需数组的长度,并创建数组  for (Node<E> q = p; q != null; q = succ(q))      if (q.item != null && ++len == batchSize)   break;  es = new Object[len];     }     //将队列节点的值赋值给数组     for (n = 0; p != null && n < len; p = succ(p))  if ((es[n] = p.item) != null)      n++; } finally {     //释放锁     fullyUnlock(); } //给每个元素执行指定函数 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") E e = (E) es[i];     action.accept(e); }    } while (n > 0 && p != null); //这里有必要用循环吗?}



public boolean removeIf(Predicate<? super E> filter) {    Objects.requireNonNull(filter);    return bulkRemove(filter);}



public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c) {    Objects.requireNonNull(c);    return bulkRemove(e -> c.contains(e));}



public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c) {    Objects.requireNonNull(c);    return bulkRemove(e -> !c.contains(e));}


/** * 先获取写锁,在获取读锁 */void fullyLock() {    putLock.lock();    takeLock.lock();}/** * 以加锁反方向,释放锁,先释放读锁,再释放写锁 */void fullyUnlock() {    takeLock.unlock();    putLock.unlock();}



Node<E> findPred(Node<E> p, Node<E> ancestor) {    //如果ancestor为空,从头节点开始    if (ancestor.item == null) ancestor = head;    //直到找到与当前节点p相同,返回上一个节点    for (Node<E> q; (q = ancestor.next) != p; ) ancestor = q;    return ancestor;}


//唤醒原来阻塞等待出队的线程,该方法在put/offer中调用private void signalNotEmpty() {    final ReentrantLock takeLock = this.takeLock;    takeLock.lock();    try { notEmpty.signal();    } finally { takeLock.unlock();    }}


//唤醒原来阻塞等待入队的线程private void signalNotFull() {    final ReentrantLock putLock = this.putLock;    putLock.lock();    try { notFull.signal();    } finally { putLock.unlock();    }}



private boolean bulkRemove(Predicate<? super E> filter) {    boolean removed = false;    Node<E> p = null, ancestor = head;    Node<E>[] nodes = null;    int n, len = 0;    do { // 1. 加锁,并创建长度为64的节点数组 fullyLock(); try {     if (nodes == null) {  // first batch; initialize  p = head.next;  for (Node<E> q = p; q != null; q = succ(q))      if (q.item != null && ++len == 64)   break;  nodes = (Node<E>[]) new Node<?>[len];     }     //赋值节点到数组     for (n = 0; p != null && n < len; p = succ(p))  nodes[n++] = p; } finally {     fullyUnlock(); } // 2. 在不加锁的情况下,执行过滤函数 long deathRow = 0L;// "bitset" of size 64 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {     final E e;     if ((e = nodes[i].item) != null && filter.test(e))  deathRow |= 1L << i; } // 3. 加锁,移除元素 if (deathRow != 0) {     fullyLock();     try {  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {      final Node<E> q;      if ((deathRow & (1L << i)) != 0L   && (q = nodes[i]).item != null) {   ancestor = findPred(q, ancestor);   unlink(q, ancestor);   removed = true;      }      nodes[i] = null; // help GC  }     } finally {  fullyUnlock();     } }    } while (n > 0 && p != null);    return removed;}


writeObject 将队列元素输出到指定的输出流

readObject 从指定的输入流中读取插入队列

private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream s)    throws java.io.IOException {    fullyLock();    try { // Write out any hidden stuff, plus capacity s.defaultWriteObject(); // Write out all elements in the proper order. for (Node<E> p = head.next; p != null; p = p.next)     s.writeObject(p.item); // Use trailing null as sentinel s.writeObject(null);    } finally { fullyUnlock();    }}private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream s)    throws java.io.IOException, ClassNotFoundException {    // Read in capacity, and any hidden stuff    s.defaultReadObject();    count.set(0);    last = head = new Node<E>(null);    // Read in all elements and place in queue    for (;;) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") E item = (E)s.readObject(); if (item == null)     break; add(item);    }}



//p为当前节点,pred为上一个节点void unlink(Node<E> p, Node<E> pred) {    p.item = null;    // 将当前节点p的下一个节点赋值给上一个节点pred的next上    pred.next = p.next;    //如果当前节点为最后一个节点    if (last == p) //将上一个节点赋值给last,因为当前节点将被删除 last = pred;    //count获取数量,并减一    //判断之前是否是满的,因为删除了一个后,有空闲,唤醒原来在notFull阻塞的线程    if (count.getAndDecrement() == capacity) notFull.signal();}






  1. LinkedBlockingQueue() 无参构造函数,链表长度为Integer.MAX_VALUE
  2. LinkedBlockingQueue(int capacity) 指定capacity长度
  3. LinkedBlockingQueue(Collection c) 不指定长度,即默认长度为Integer.MAX_VALUE,提供初始化元素



两种操作分别有一个锁putLock, takeLock,互不影响,可以同时进行

/** Lock held by take, poll, etc */private final ReentrantLock takeLock = new ReentrantLock();/** Lock held by take, poll, etc */private final ReentrantLock takeLock = new ReentrantLock();//put public void put(E e) throws InterruptedException { if (e == null) throw new NullPointerException(); int c = -1; Node<E> node = new Node<E>(e); final ReentrantLock putLock = this.putLock;     //... }//takepublic E take() throws InterruptedException { E x; int c = -1; final AtomicInteger count = this.count; final ReentrantLock takeLock = this.takeLock; takeLock.lockInterruptibly();    //...}



  1. ArrayBlockingQueue(int capacity) 指定长度
  2. ArrayBlockingQueue(int capacity, boolean fair) 指定长度,及指定是否使用FIFO顺序进出队列
  3. ArrayBlockingQueue(int capacity, boolean fair, Collection c) 指定长度,进行队列顺序,初始元素


ArrayBlockingQueue 只定义了一个Lock,put和take使用同一锁,不能同时进行

/** Main lock guarding all access */    final ReentrantLock lock;


  1. LinkedBlockingQueue 无须指定长度,放入和取出元素使用不同的锁,互不影响,效率高,通用性强
  2. ArrayBlockingQueue 必须指定长度,大了浪费内存,小了性能不高,使用同一把锁,效率低