> 文档中心 > 【MM32F5270开发板试用】依靠SPI_SD,移植FatFs文件系统







FatFs是用于小型嵌入式系统的通用FAT / exFAT文件系统模块。FatFs模块是按照ANSI



  • DOS / Windows兼容的FAT / exFAT文件系统。
  • 平台无关。易于移植。
  • 程序代码和工作区的占用空间非常小。
  • ANSI / OEM或Unicode中的长文件名。
  • exFAT文件系统,64位LBA和GPT可存储大量数据。
  • RTOS的线程安全。
  • 多个卷(物理驱动器和分区,最多10个卷)。
  • 可变扇区大小。 多个代码页,包括DBCS。
  • 只读,可选API,I /O缓冲区等…





00history.txt 介绍了 FatFs 的版本更新情况。
00readme.txt 说明了当前目录下 diskio.c diskio.hff.cff.hinteger.h 的功能。
diskio.c 文件是 FatFs 移植最关键的文件,它为文件系统提供了最底层的访问 SPI Flash芯片的方法, FatFs 有且仅有它需要用到与 SPI Flash 芯片相关的函数
diskio.h 定义了FatFs 用到的宏,以及 diskio.c 文件内与底层硬件接口相关的函数声明。

ff.c:FatFs 核心文件,文件管理的实现方法。该文件独立于底层介质操作文件的函数,利用这些函数实现文件的读写。









/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*//* Low level disk I/O module SKELETON for FatFs     (C)ChaN, 2019 *//*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*//* If a working storage control module is available, it should be *//* attached to the FatFs via a glue function rather than modifying it.   *//* This is an example of glue functions to attach various exsisting      *//* storage control modules to the FatFs module with a defined API.*//*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/#include "ff.h"     /* Obtains integer types */#include "diskio.h" /* Declarations of disk functions */#include "sdspi.h"/* Definitions of physical drive number for each drive */#define DEV_RAM 0    /* Example: Map Ramdisk to physical drive 0 */#define DEV_MMC 1    /* Example: Map MMC/SD card to physical drive 1 */#define DEV_USB 2    /* Example: Map USB MSD to physical drive 2 */SDSPI_ApiRetStatus_Type app_sdspi_ret;SDSPI_CardHandler_Type app_sdspi_card;extern const SDSPI_Interface_Type board_sdspi_if;/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*//* Get Drive Status     *//*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/DSTATUS disk_status (    BYTE pdrv /* Physical drive nmuber to identify the drive */){    DSTATUS stat;    int result;    switch (pdrv) {    case DEV_RAM : //result = RAM_disk_status(); // translate the reslut code here return stat;    case DEV_MMC : //result = MMC_disk_status(); stat = RES_OK; // translate the reslut code here return stat;    case DEV_USB : //result = USB_disk_status(); // translate the reslut code here return stat;    }    return STA_NOINIT;}/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*//* Inidialize a Drive   *//*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/DSTATUS disk_initialize (    BYTE pdrv  /* Physical drive nmuber to identify the drive */){    DSTATUS stat;    //int result;    switch (pdrv) {    case DEV_RAM : //result = RAM_disk_initialize(); // translate the reslut code here return stat;    case DEV_MMC : //result = MMC_disk_initialize(); if(!SDSPI_Init(&app_sdspi_card, &board_sdspi_if)){     stat = RES_OK; }else{     stat = STA_NOINIT; } // translate the reslut code here return stat;    case DEV_USB : //result = USB_disk_initialize(); // translate the reslut code here return stat;    }    return STA_NOINIT;}/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*//* Read Sector(s)*//*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/DRESULT disk_read (    BYTE pdrv, /* Physical drive nmuber to identify the drive */    BYTE *buff, /* Data buffer to store read data */    LBA_t sector,    /* Start sector in LBA */    UINT count /* Number of sectors to read */){    DRESULT res;    //int result;    switch (pdrv) {    case DEV_RAM : // translate the arguments here //result = RAM_disk_read(buff, sector, count); // translate the reslut code here return res;    case DEV_MMC : // translate the arguments here //result = MMC_disk_read(buff, sector, count); if(!SDSPI_ReadBlocks(&app_sdspi_card,buff, sector, count)) {     res = RES_OK; }else{     res = RES_ERROR; } // translate the reslut code here return res;    case DEV_USB : // translate the arguments here //result = USB_disk_read(buff, sector, count); // translate the reslut code here return res;    }    return RES_PARERR;}/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*//* Write Sector(s)      *//*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/#if FF_FS_READONLY == 0DRESULT disk_write (    BYTE pdrv,     /* Physical drive nmuber to identify the drive */    const BYTE *buff,    /* Data to be written */    LBA_t sector, /* Start sector in LBA */    UINT count     /* Number of sectors to write */){    DRESULT res;    //int result;    switch (pdrv) {    case DEV_RAM : // translate the arguments here //result = RAM_disk_write(buff, sector, count); // translate the reslut code here return res;    case DEV_MMC : // translate the arguments here //result = MMC_disk_write(buff, sector, count); if(!SDSPI_WriteBlocks(&app_sdspi_card,(uint8_t *)buff, sector, count)) {     res = RES_OK; }else{     res = RES_ERROR; } // translate the reslut code here return res;    case DEV_USB : // translate the arguments here //result = USB_disk_write(buff, sector, count); // translate the reslut code here return res;    }    return RES_PARERR;}#endif/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*//* Miscellaneous Functions     *//*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/DRESULT disk_ioctl (    BYTE pdrv, /* Physical drive nmuber (0..) */    BYTE cmd, /* Control code */    void *buff /* Buffer to send/receive control data */){    DRESULT res;    int result;    switch (pdrv) {    case DEV_RAM : // Process of the command for the RAM drive return res;    case DEV_MMC : // Process of the command for the MMC/SD card switch(cmd) {     case GET_SECTOR_COUNT:  *(DWORD *)buff = app_sdspi_card.blockCount;  res = RES_OK;  break;      case GET_BLOCK_SIZE:  *(DWORD *)buff = SDSPI_DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE;  res = RES_OK;  break; } return res;    case DEV_USB : // Process of the command the USB drive return res;    }    return RES_PARERR;}


/* * Copyright 2021 MindMotion Microelectronics Co., Ltd. * All rights reserved. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */#include "board_init.h"#include "ffconf.h"#include "ff.h"/* * Macros. *//* * Variables. */FATFS fs;const TCHAR fs_drv[] = "1:/";TCHAR fs_path[256] = "\0";/* * Declerations. */ FRESULT app_fatfs_listfiles(const char * dir_path);/* * Functions. */int main(void){    uint8_t ch;    BOARD_Init();    printf("sdspi_basic example.\r\n");     /* f_mount().\r\n */    printf("f_mount(). ");    if( !f_mount(&fs, fs_drv ,1) )    { printf("succ.\r\n");    }    else    { printf("fail.\r\n"); while (1) {}    } /* root dir. */    app_fatfs_listfiles(fs_drv); /* dir0. */    fs_path[0] = '\0';    strcat(fs_path, fs_drv);    strcat(fs_path, "dir0/");    app_fatfs_listfiles(fs_path);    /* dir1. */    fs_path[0] = '\0';    strcat(fs_path, fs_drv);    strcat(fs_path, "dir1/");    app_fatfs_listfiles(fs_path); printf("app_fatfs_listfiles() done.\r\n");    while (1)    { ch = getchar(); putchar(ch);    }}/* list the file items under the indecated path. */FRESULT app_fatfs_listfiles(const char * dir_path){    FRESULT res;    FILINFO fno;    DIR dir;    char *fn;    printf("* %s ->\r\n", dir_path); res = f_opendir(&dir, dir_path);    if (res != FR_OK)    { return res;    }    for (;;)    { /* read iterator. */ res = f_readdir(&dir, &fno); if ( (res != FR_OK) || (fno.fname[0] == 0) ) {     break; } /* skip the "self" and "father" dir item. */ if (fno.fname[0] == '.')  {     continue; }  /* collect the dir or file name. */ fn = fno.fname; if (fno.fattrib & AM_DIR) /* dir name. */ {     printf("\t%s/\r\n", fn); }  else /* file name */ {     printf("\t%s: %u B\r\n", fn, (unsigned)fno.fsize); }  }    /* close the opened dir to reest the iterator. */    res = f_closedir(&dir);    return res;}

/* EOF. */




