> 文档中心 > 【GD32F427开发板试用】+rtt-thread nano+finsh极简开发

【GD32F427开发板试用】+rtt-thread nano+finsh极简开发




Why rtt

RT-Thread Nano 是一个极简版的硬实时内核,它是由 C 语言开发,采用面向对象的编程思维,具有良好的代码风格,是一款可裁剪的、抢占式实时多任务的 RTOS。其内存资源占用极小,功能包括任务处理、软件定时器、信号量、邮箱和实时调度等相对完整的实时操作系统特性。只需内核与Finsh就足够使用,简单方便,个人不喜欢太复杂。


  • GD32F427VKT6
  • 32位Arm®Cortex®-M4处理器内核
  • 高达200 MHz的工作频率
  • 3072K Flash
  • 256k SRAM
  • 4个USART和4个UART,3个I2C,6个SPI,2个I2S,2个CAN2.0B
  • 1个SDIO接口、1个10/100M以太网控制器
  • 3个采样率高达2.6M SPS的12位高速ADC和2个12位DAC,
  • 单循环乘法和硬件除法器
  • 浮点单元(FPU)
  • 集成DSP指令
  • 集成嵌套矢量中断控制器(NVIC)
  • 24位SysTick定时器
  • GDlink(可惜只能作为下载,没有串口)
  • 复位按键和用户按键
  • 一个用户LED
  • 资料下载地址:


  • 安装芯片包

  • keil安装rtt包

【GD32F427开发板试用】+rtt-thread nano+finsh极简开发


  • 打开LED工程

【GD32F427开发板试用】+rtt-thread nano+finsh极简开发

  • 添加rtt源码

【GD32F427开发板试用】+rtt-thread nano+finsh极简开发

  • board.c处理

【GD32F427开发板试用】+rtt-thread nano+finsh极简开发

  • 屏蔽"gd32f4xx_it.c"中HardFault_Handler、PendSV_Handler、 SysTick_Handler函数
  • 将裸机的延时函数换成操作系统的延时函数

【GD32F427开发板试用】+rtt-thread nano+finsh极简开发


  • 在添加Finsh前先准备串口

【GD32F427开发板试用】+rtt-thread nano+finsh极简开发

#include "usart.h"#include #include //int fputc(int ch, FILE *f)//{// /* 将Printf内容发往串口 */// usart_data_transmit(USART1, (unsigned char) ch); while (!(USART1->SR & USART_FLAG_TXE));// while( usart_flag_get(USART1,USART_FLAG_TC)!= SET); // return (ch);//}void usart_init(int32_t bound){  rcu_periph_clock_enable( RCU_GPIOD);  /* enable USART clock */  rcu_periph_clock_enable(RCU_USART1);  /* connect port to USARTx_Tx */  gpio_af_set(GPIOD, GPIO_AF_7, GPIO_PIN_5);  /* connect port to USARTx_Rx */  gpio_af_set(GPIOD, GPIO_AF_7, GPIO_PIN_6);  /* configure USART Tx as alternate function push-pull */  gpio_mode_set(GPIOD, GPIO_MODE_AF, GPIO_PUPD_PULLUP,GPIO_PIN_5);  gpio_output_options_set(GPIOD, GPIO_OTYPE_PP, GPIO_OSPEED_50MHZ,GPIO_PIN_5);  /* configure USART Rx as alternate function push-pull */  gpio_mode_set(GPIOD, GPIO_MODE_AF, GPIO_PUPD_PULLUP,GPIO_PIN_6);  gpio_output_options_set(GPIOD, GPIO_OTYPE_PP, GPIO_OSPEED_50MHZ,GPIO_PIN_6);  /* USART configure */  usart_deinit(USART1);  usart_baudrate_set(USART1,bound);  usart_receive_config(USART1, USART_RECEIVE_ENABLE);  usart_transmit_config(USART1, USART_TRANSMIT_ENABLE);  //    nvic_irq_enable(USART1_IRQn, 2, 0);//设置串口中断的优先级//    //开启串口接收中断//    usart_interrupt_enable(USART1, USART_INT_RBNE);  usart_enable(USART1);}//void USART1_IRQHandler(void)//{//    uint8_t rx_data = 0;//    //当接收中断发生//    if((RESET != usart_interrupt_flag_get(USART1, USART_INT_FLAG_RBNE)) && //(RESET != usart_flag_get(USART1, USART_FLAG_RBNE))){// /* Read one byte from the receive data register */// rx_data = (uint8_t)usart_data_receive(USART1);//获取接收到的数据    rt_kprintf("rx_data is %d",rx_data);//    }//    //     //当发送中断发生//    if((RESET != usart_flag_get(USART1, USART_FLAG_TBE)) && //(RESET != usart_interrupt_flag_get(USART1, USART_INT_FLAG_TBE))){// /* Write one byte to the transmit data register *///    }//}
  • 添加Finsh源码

【GD32F427开发板试用】+rtt-thread nano+finsh极简开发

  • 在rtconfig.h中打开finsh_config.h

【GD32F427开发板试用】+rtt-thread nano+finsh极简开发

  • board.c中初始化串口
/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2019, RT-Thread Development Team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date    AuthorNotes * 2021-05-24    the first version */#include #include #include "systick.h"#include "gd32f4xx.h"#include "usart.h"#if defined(RT_USING_USER_MAIN) && defined(RT_USING_HEAP)/* * Please modify RT_HEAP_SIZE if you enable RT_USING_HEAP * the RT_HEAP_SIZE max value = (sram size - ZI size), 1024 means 1024 bytes */#define RT_HEAP_SIZE (20*1024)static rt_uint8_t rt_heap[RT_HEAP_SIZE];RT_WEAK void *rt_heap_begin_get(void){  return rt_heap;}RT_WEAK void *rt_heap_end_get(void){  return rt_heap + RT_HEAP_SIZE;}#endifvoid rt_os_tick_callback(void){  rt_interrupt_enter();    rt_tick_increase();  rt_interrupt_leave();}/* cortex-m 架构使用 SysTick_Handler() */void SysTick_Handler(){  rt_os_tick_callback();}/** * This function will initial your board. */void rt_hw_board_init(void){//#error "TODO 1: OS Tick Configuration."  /*    * TODO 1: OS Tick Configuration   * Enable the hardware timer and call the rt_os_tick_callback function   * periodically with the frequency RT_TICK_PER_SECOND.    */   systick_config();   SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock / RT_TICK_PER_SECOND);   usart_init(115200);  /* Call components board initial (use INIT_BOARD_EXPORT()) */#ifdef RT_USING_COMPONENTS_INIT  rt_components_board_init();#endif#if defined(RT_USING_USER_MAIN) && defined(RT_USING_HEAP)  rt_system_heap_init(rt_heap_begin_get(), rt_heap_end_get());#endif}#ifdef RT_USING_CONSOLE//static int uart_init(void)//{//#error "TODO 2: Enable the hardware uart and config baudrate."//    return 0;//}//INIT_BOARD_EXPORT(uart_init);void uart_send_byte(rt_uint8_t data){   while( usart_flag_get(USART1,USART_FLAG_TC)!= SET);usart_data_transmit(USART1, (unsigned char) data);  }void rt_hw_console_output(const char *str){//#error "TODO 3: Output the string 'str' through the uart."    rt_size_t i = 0, size = 0;  char a = '\r';//    __HAL_UNLOCK(&UartHandle);  size = rt_strlen(str);  for (i = 0; i < size; i++)  {      if (*(str + i) == '\n')      {  uart_send_byte(a);      }uart_send_byte( *(str + i) );  }}#endif
  • 在finsh_port.c中添加接收代码
/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2021, RT-Thread Development Team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date    AuthorNotes */#include #include #include "usart.h"#ifndef RT_USING_FINSH#error Please uncomment the line  in the rtconfig.h #endif#ifdef RT_USING_FINSHRT_WEAK char rt_hw_console_getchar(void){  /* Note: the initial value of ch must < 0 */  int ch = -1;//#error "TODO 4: Read a char from the uart and assign it to 'ch'."    if( usart_flag_get(USART1,USART_FLAG_RBNE) != RESET)  //接收中断(接收到的数据必须是0x0d 0x0a结尾)  {      ch = (uint8_t)usart_data_receive(USART1) & 0xff;// rt_kprintf("ch is %d",ch);  }  else   {      if( usart_flag_get(USART1, USART_FLAG_ORERR) != RESET)  //      {    usart_flag_clear(USART1, USART_FLAG_RBNE);      }      rt_thread_mdelay(10);  }  return ch;}#endif /* RT_USING_FINSH */


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【GD32F427开发板试用】+rtt-thread nano+finsh极简开发

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【GD32F427开发板试用】+rtt-thread nano+finsh极简开发
