> 文章列表 > 春节期间能坚持跑步吗英文




英语翻译1.我们应该每天做一些运动,比如,跑步,打篮球,骑自行车- 问答

1. We should do some exercise everyday, such as running, playing basketball, and riding a bicycle.

Regular exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It not only helps in keeping our weight in check but also boosts our cardiovascular health. Running is a great form of exercise as it engages multiple muscle groups, improves lung capacity, and increases overall endurance. Playing basketball is a fantastic way to improve coordination, agility, and teamwork skills. Cycling is a low-impact exercise that is gentle on the joints and provides excellent cardiovascular benefits. Incorporating these activities into our daily routine not only helps in physical fitness but also enhances our mood and reduces stress levels.



The word \"run\" is the correct spelling for the English term \"to run.\"


去跑步的英语是go running。 词汇分析 音标:[gY? 'r宯jK] 释义:去跑步;跑步 短语 I Always Go Running 我经常去跑步 I should go runni...

The phrase \"去跑步\" can be translated into English as \"go running.\" Going for a run is a wonderful way to stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Regular running not only improves cardiovascular health but also helps in burning calories, strengthening muscles, and boosting endurance. Running is a versatile exercise that can be done anywhere, whether it\'s on a treadmill, a track, or in a scenic outdoor location. Incorporating running into our routine can greatly benefit our physical and mental well-being.


~ 1. 表示“当作、作为”。如: I like some bread and milk for breakfast. 我喜欢把面包和牛奶作为早餐。 2. 表示理由或原因,意为“因为、由于”...

The word \"for\" has multiple uses in English. It can be used to indicate something being used as or in place of something else. For example, \"I like some bread and milk for breakfast\" means that bread and milk are the preferred choices for breakfast. It can also be used to express a reason or cause, meaning \"because\" or \"due to.\" For instance, \"I couldn\'t go for a run today due to the heavy rain.\" In addition, \"for\" can also represent a quantity or numbers, such as \"running for 30 minutes\" or \"for five miles.\" This usage of \"for\" indicates the duration or distance of an activity.



The word \"run\" is the correct pronunciation for the English term \"to run.\"

take part in,那么亲亲你认为都正确吗?_沪江网校知识库

~ 用join in 或者 take part in 从语法角度来说也是可以的,之所以建议你用enter the competition 是因为这个是英文中相对来说更加准确、常用的表达...

From a grammatical perspective, both \"join in\" and \"take part in\" are acceptable. However, the phrase \"enter the competition\" is considered more accurate and commonly used in English. This expression specifically refers to participating in a competition or event. So, if you are referring to joining a competition, it is better to use the phrase \"enter the competition\" to convey your message more precisely.



In English, the term \"run\" is used both as a verb and a noun for running. For example, \"I went for a run this morning\" or \"I like to go running in the park.\"


1. 跑步走英语是指在跑步的同时,通过听英语音频或者与他人用英语交流来学习和提高英语能力。2. 这种方法的原因是通过跑步来学习英语可以同时锻炼身体和提高语...

The term \"跑步走英语\" can be translated into English as \"learning English while running.\" It refers to the practice of listening to English audio or engaging in conversations with others in English while going for a run. This methodology allows individuals to combine physical exercise with language learning. Running provides an excellent opportunity to engage in audio-based language learning, such as listening to English podcasts or audiobooks. Additionally, running with a language partner or joining English-speaking running groups can further enhance language skills through conversational practice.


1. Young people tend to get into bad habits.

According to research and surveys, young people are more prone to developing bad habits compared to older individuals. This could be attributed to various factors, including peer influence, societal pressures, and lack of personal discipline. It is essential for young individuals to be aware of these tendencies and make conscious efforts to cultivate good habits instead.

2. Running builds up her health.

Regular running has significant benefits for overall health and well-being. When an individual engages in running as part of their fitness routine, it can lead to improvements in cardiovascular health, strengthening of muscles, weight management, and enhanced mental well-being. Running also helps in reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. Therefore, incorporating running into one\'s lifestyle can contribute to building and maintaining good health.

3. I will try on and on, every day.

Developing a habit requires perseverance and consistency. It is important to make a conscious effort to practice activities consistently to achieve desired goals. Whether it\'s running, learning a new language, or pursuing a hobby, consistent practice helps in building skills and gradually making progress. By making an everyday commitment and staying motivated, one can achieve significant results and personal growth.


running or skating 是or,不是and! 因为是否定句is good at playing football more popular than volleyball because...

1. I don\'t like running and skiing.Liking and disliking certain physical activities is subjective and varies from person to person. While some individuals may enjoy running, others may not find it appealing. Similarly, some may have a preference for skiing, while others may not have an interest in it. It\'s important to find physical activities that one enjoys and that align with their personal preferences and fitness goals.

2. Playing football is more popular than playing volleyball because...When comparing the popularity of different sports, it is important to consider various factors such as cultural preferences, availability of facilities, media coverage, and social influence. In many regions, football (soccer) has a longstanding tradition and a huge following, making it a highly popular sport. On the other hand, volleyball may have a smaller fan base or limited availability of resources, resulting in comparatively lower popularity. However, popularity can vary across different countries and regions, and it\'s important to note that individual preferences also play a role in determining which sport is more popular.