> 文档中心 > C#报错Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException: “A member with the name ‘phone‘ already

C#报错Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException: “A member with the name ‘phone‘ already

“A member with the name ‘phone’ already exists on ‘xxx.xxx.xxx.Data’. Use the JsonPropertyAttribute to specify another name.”


 [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "phone")] public string AdminPhone {     get     {  return adminPhone;     }     set     {  adminPhone= value;  OnPropertyChanged("AdminPhone");     } }... [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "phone")] public string UserPhone {     get     {  return userphone;     }     set     {  userphone = value;  OnPropertyChanged("Phone");     } }
    注解使用了两次一样的[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "phone")]    导致将对象数据转换成json格式的时候出现无法匹配的情况    需要手动删除或者修改其中一个PropertyName 即可


 private string progress;//字段:使用private [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "progress")] public string Progress//属性:使用public与JsonProperty序列化 {     get     {  return progress;     }     set     {  progress = value;  OnPropertyChanged("Progress");     } }

C#报错Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException: “A member with the name ‘phone‘ already 阅读世界,共赴山海 C#报错Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException: “A member with the name ‘phone‘ already 423全民读书节,邀你共读