> 文档中心 > Bearpi开发板HarmonyOS之WiFi STA联网

Bearpi开发板HarmonyOS之WiFi STA联网


  • 启用Wifi STA 模式
    WifiErrorCode EnableWifi(void);

  • 禁用Wifi STA 模式
    WifiErrorCode DisableWifi(void);

  • 检查Wifi STA模式是否启用
    int IsWifiActive(void);

  • 扫描热点信息
    WifiErrorCode Scan(void);

  • 获取所有扫描到的热点列表
    WifiErrorCode GetScanInfoList(WifiScanInfo* result, unsigned int* size);

  • 配置连接到热点信息
    WifiErrorCode AddDeviceConfig(const WifiDeviceConfig* config, int* result);

  • 获取配置连接到热点信息
    WifiErrorCode GetDeviceConfigs(WifiDeviceConfig* result, unsigned int* size);

  • 删除指定的热点配置信息
    WifiErrorCode RemoveDevice(int networkId);

  • 接到指定的热点
    WifiErrorCode ConnectTo(int networkId);

  • 断开Wifi连接
    WifiErrorCode Disconnect(void);

  • 获取热点连接信息
    WifiErrorCode GetLinkedInfo(WifiLinkedInfo* result);

  • 获取设备的MAC地址
    WifiErrorCode GetDeviceMacAddress(unsigned char* result);


#include #include #include "ohos_init.h"#include #include "cmsis_os2.h"#include "wifiiot_gpio.h"#include "wifiiot_gpio_ex.h"#include "wifiiot_adc.h"#include "wifiiot_errno.h"#include "wifiiot_uart.h"#include "lwip/netifapi.h"#include "wifi_hotspot.h"#include "wifi_device.h"#include "wifi_error_code.h"#include "lwip/netif.h"#include "lwip/ip4_addr.h"#include "lwip/api_shell.h"#define DEF_TIMEOUT 15#define ONE_SECOND 1static void WiFiInit(void);static void WaitSacnResult(void);static int WaitConnectResult(void);static void OnWifiScanStateChangedHandler(int state, int size);static void OnWifiConnectionChangedHandler(int state, WifiLinkedInfo *info);static void OnHotspotStaJoinHandler(StationInfo *info);static void OnHotspotStateChangedHandler(int state);static void OnHotspotStaLeaveHandler(StationInfo *info);static int g_staScanSuccess = 0;static int g_ConnectSuccess = 0;static int ssid_count = 0;WifiEvent g_wifiEventHandler = {0};WifiErrorCode error;#define SELECT_WLAN_PORT "wlan0"#define SELECT_WIFI_SSID "JamesZhou"#define SELECT_WIFI_PASSWORD "12345678"#define SELECT_WIFI_SECURITYTYPE WIFI_SEC_TYPE_PSKstatic void WiFiInit(void){  g_wifiEventHandler.OnHotspotStaLeave = OnHotspotStaLeaveHandler;  g_wifiEventHandler.OnHotspotStateChanged = OnHotspotStateChangedHandler;  g_wifiEventHandler.OnHotspotStaJoin = OnHotspotStaJoinHandler;  g_wifiEventHandler.OnWifiConnectionChanged = OnWifiConnectionChangedHandler;  g_wifiEventHandler.OnWifiScanStateChanged = OnWifiScanStateChangedHandler;  error = RegisterWifiEvent(&g_wifiEventHandler);    if (error != WIFI_SUCCESS)    { printf("register wifi event fail!\r\n");    }    else    { printf("register wifi event succeed!\r\n");    }}static void OnWifiScanStateChangedHandler(int state, int size){  (void)state;  if(size > 0)  {    ssid_count = size;    g_staScanSuccess = 1;  }}static void OnWifiConnectionChangedHandler(int state, WifiLinkedInfo *info){    (void)info;    if(state > 0)    {g_ConnectSuccess = 1;printf("callback function for wifi connect\r\n");    }    else    { printf("connect error,please check password\r\n");    }}static void OnHotspotStateChangedHandler(int state){    printf("HotspotStateChanged:state is %d.\n", state);   }static void OnHotspotStaJoinHandler(StationInfo *info){    (void)info;    printf("STA join AP\n");}static void OnHotspotStaLeaveHandler(StationInfo *info){    (void)info;    printf("HotspotStaLeave:info is null.\n");}static void WaitSacnResult(void){   int scanTimeout = DEF_TIMEOUT;   while(scanTimeout)   { sleep(ONE_SECOND); scanTimeout--; if (g_staScanSuccess == 1) {     printf("WaitSacnResult:wait success[%d]s\n", (DEF_TIMEOUT - scanTimeout));     break; }   }  if (scanTimeout <= 0)  {printf("WaitSacnResult:timeout!\n");  }}static int WaitConnectResult(void){    int ConnectTimeout = DEF_TIMEOUT;    while (ConnectTimeout > 0)    { sleep(1); ConnectTimeout--; if (g_ConnectSuccess == 1) {     printf("WaitConnectResult:wait success[%d]s\n", (DEF_TIMEOUT - ConnectTimeout));     break; }    }    if (ConnectTimeout <= 0)    { printf("WaitConnectResult:timeout!\n"); return 0;    }    return 1;}static BOOL WifiSTATask(void){   WifiScanInfo *info = NULL;   unsigned int size = WIFI_SCAN_HOTSPOT_LIMIT;    static struct netif *g_lwip_netif = NULL;    WifiDeviceConfig select_ap_config = {0};    osDelay(200);    printf("\r\n");  //初始化WIFI    WiFiInit();    //使能WIFI    if (EnableWifi() != WIFI_SUCCESS)    { printf("EnableWifi failed, error = %d\n", error); return -1;    }    //判断WIFI是否激活    if (IsWifiActive() == 0)    { printf("Wifi station is not actived.\n"); return -1;    }    info = malloc(sizeof(WifiScanInfo) * WIFI_SCAN_HOTSPOT_LIMIT);     if (info == NULL)    { return -1;    }    //轮询查找WiFi列表    do{ //重置标志位 ssid_count = 0; g_staScanSuccess = 0; //开始扫描 Scan(); //等待扫描结果 WaitSacnResult(); //获取扫描列表 error = GetScanInfoList(info, &size);    }while(g_staScanSuccess != 1);     //打印WiFi列表    printf("********************\r\n");    for(uint8_t i = 0; i < ssid_count; i++)    { printf("no:%03d, ssid:%-30s, rssi:%5d\r\n", i+1, info[i].ssid, info[i].rssi/100);    }    printf("********************\r\n");     //连接指定的WiFi热点    for(uint8_t i = 0; i < ssid_count; i++)    { if (strcmp(SELECT_WIFI_SSID, info[i].ssid) == 0) {     int result;     printf("Select:%3d wireless, Waiting...\r\n", i+1);     //拷贝要连接的热点信息     strcpy(select_ap_config.ssid, info[i].ssid);     strcpy(select_ap_config.preSharedKey, SELECT_WIFI_PASSWORD);     select_ap_config.securityType = SELECT_WIFI_SECURITYTYPE;     if (AddDeviceConfig(&select_ap_config, &result) == WIFI_SUCCESS)     {  if (ConnectTo(result) == WIFI_SUCCESS && WaitConnectResult() == 1)  {      printf("WiFi connect succeed!\r\n");      g_lwip_netif = netifapi_netif_find(SELECT_WLAN_PORT);      break;  }     } } if(i == ssid_count-1) {     printf("ERROR: No wifi as expected\r\n");     while(1) osDelay(100); }    }      //启动DHCP    if (g_lwip_netif)    { dhcp_start(g_lwip_netif); printf("begain to dhcp");    }//等待DHCP    for(;;)    { if(dhcp_is_bound(g_lwip_netif) == ERR_OK) {     printf("\r\n");     //打印获取到的IP信息     netifapi_netif_common(g_lwip_netif, dhcp_clients_info_show, NULL);     break; } printf("\r\n"); osDelay(100);    }   //执行其他操作    for(;;)    { osDelay(100);    }} static void my_led_example(void){     osThreadAttr_t attr;     attr.attr_bits = 0;     attr.name = "WifiSTATask";     attr.cb_mem = NULL;     attr.cb_size = 0;     attr.priority = 24;     attr.stack_size = 10240;     if(osThreadNew((osThreadFunc_t)WifiSTATask,NULL,&attr) == NULL)     { printf("Falied to create adc_func!\n");    }}SYS_RUN(my_led_example);

