> 文档中心 > 22.cuBLAS开发指南中文版--cuBLAS中的Level-2函数spmv()


2.6.5. cublasspmv()


cublasStatus_t cublasSspmv(cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo,      int n, const float  *alpha, const float  *AP,      const float  *x, int incx, const float  *beta,      float  *y, int incy)cublasStatus_t cublasDspmv(cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo,      int n, const double *alpha, const double *AP,      const double *x, int incx, const double *beta,      double *y, int incy)


y = α A x + β y y = \alpha Ax+\beta y y=αAx+βy

其中 A 是具有 k 个子对角线和超对角线的 n*n 对称带状矩阵,并且是向量,x 和 y 是标量。

如果 uplo == CUBLAS_FILL_MODE_LOWER 则对称矩阵 a 的下三角部分中的元素被逐列填充在一起,没有间隙。因此,一般来说,元素 A(i,j) 存储在内存位置 AP[i+((2*n-j+1)*j)/2] 中 j=1,…,n 和 i > j i>j i>j 。 因此,打包格式只需要存储n(n+1) 2 \frac{n(n+1)}{2} 2n(n+1)个元素。

如果 uplo == CUBLAS_FILL_MODE_UPPER 则对称矩阵 a 的下三角部分中的元素被逐列填充在一起,没有间隙.。因此,一般来说,元素 A(i,j) 存储在内存位置 AP[i+(j*(j+1))/2] 中 j=1,…,n 和 i < = j i <= j i<=j 。 因此,打包格式只需要存储n(n+1) 2 \frac{n(n+1)}{2} 2n(n+1)个元素。

Param. Memory In/out Meaning
handle input handle to the cuBLAS library context.
uplo input indicates if matrix A lower or upper part is stored, the other symmetric part is not referenced and is inferred from the stored elements.
n input number of rows and columns of matrix A.
alpha host or device input scalar used for multiplication.
AP device input array with stored in packed format.
lda input leading dimension of two-dimensional array used to store matrix A.
x device input vector with n elements.
incx input stride between consecutive elements of x.
beta host or device input scalar used for multiplication, if beta==0 then y does not have to be a valid input.
y device in/out vector at least (1+(m-1)*abs(incy)) elements if transa==CUBLAS_OP_N and at least (1+(n-1)*abs(incy)) elements otherwise.
incy input stride between consecutive elements of y.


ErrorValue Meaning
CUBLAS_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE 参数 m,n<0 或 incx,incy=0


sspmv, dspmv