> 文档中心 > Orangepi 香橙派 wiringOP 安装 OrangePi.GPIO 安装

Orangepi 香橙派 wiringOP 安装 OrangePi.GPIO 安装


  1. 下载wiringOP 的代码
apt updateapt -y install git git clone https://github.com/orangepi-xunlong/wiringOP
  1. 编译wiringOP
cd wiringOP./build clean./build
  1. 测试gpio readall命令的输出如下


官方版本 OPi.GPIO-0.5.2

#明显看出来是python3.6root@orangepi:~# whereis pythonpython: /usr/bin/python3.6 /usr/bin/python3.6m /usr/lib/python3.7 /usr/lib/python3.6 /usr/lib/python2.7 /etc/python3.6 /usr/local/lib/python3.6#先安装python3.6对应的pip3root@orangepi:~# sudo apt-get install python3-pip#根据官方文档安装:root@orangepi:~# sudo pip3 install --upgrade OPi.GPIO#官方OPi.GPIO 版本为 OPi.GPIO-0.5.2

非官方版本 OPi.GPIO-0.6.6

1.安装python 开发包,和git ,安装过的可以忽略

sudo apt-get install python3-dev git


git clone https://github.com/Pako2/OrangePi.GPIO.gitcd ./OrangePi.GPIO


sudo python3 setup.py install --force-h5 #使用此方式失败# H6是芯片型号 需要指定#如果编译失败,python 请试下sudo python3 setup.py install_lib #可以编译成功


  build     (构建安装所需的一切) build everything needed to install  build_py  “构建”纯Python模块(复制到构建目录)"build" pure Python modules (copy to build directory)  build_ext 构建C/C++扩展(编译/链接到构建目录)build C/C++ extensions (compile/link to build directory)  build_clib构建Python扩展使用的C/C++库 build C/C++ libraries used by Python extensions  build_scripts    “构建”脚本(复制和修复#!行)"build" scripts (copy and fixup #! line)  clean     从“生成”命令清除临时文件 clean up temporary files from 'build' command  install   从构建目录安装所有内容 install everything from build directory  install_lib      安装所有Python模块(扩展和纯Python)install all Python modules (extensions and pure Python)  install_headers  安装C/C++头文件 install C/C++ header files  install_scripts  安装脚本(Python或其他)install scripts (Python or otherwise)  install_data     安装数据文件 install data files  sdist     创建源发行版(tarball、zip文件等)create a source distribution (tarball, zip file, etc.)  register  使用Python包索引注册发行版 register the distribution with the Python package index  bdist     创建一个内置(二进制)发行版 create a built (binary) distribution  bdist_dumb创建一个“哑”构建的发行版 create a "dumb" built distribution  bdist_rpm 创建一个RPM发行版 create an RPM distribution  bdist_wininst    为MS Windows创建可执行安装程序 create an executable installer for MS Windows  check     对包执行一些检查 perform some checks on the package  upload    将二进制软件包上载到 PyPIupload binary package to PyPI



#!/usr/bin/env python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import OPi.GPIO as GPIOfrom time import sleep   # this lets us have a time delayGPIO.setboard(GPIO.PCPCPLUS)    # Orange Pi PC boardGPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) # set up BOARD BCM numberingGPIO.setup(7, GPIO.OUT)  # set BCM7 (pin 26) as an output (LED)try:    print ("Press CTRL+C to exit")    while True: GPIO.output(7, 1)# set port/pin value to 1/HIGH/True sleep(0.1) GPIO.output(7, 0)# set port/pin value to 0/LOW/False sleep(0.1) GPIO.output(7, 1)# set port/pin value to 1/HIGH/True sleep(0.1) GPIO.output(7, 0)# set port/pin value to 0/LOW/False sleep(0.1) sleep(0.5)except KeyboardInterrupt:    GPIO.output(7, 0)    # set port/pin value to 0/LOW/False    GPIO.cleanup()# Clean GPIO    print ("Bye.")


# !/usr/bin/env python3import OPi.GPIO as GPIO #引入刚刚我们安装的GPIO包import timetouchPin = 5 #测试的针脚# 定义一个回调函数,当检测到指定口的电压出现变化时触发def getResonse(self):    print("getResonse")    if GPIO.input(touchPin)==1: print("Rising")    else: print("Falling")GPIO.setboard(GPIO.LITE2) #指定开发板型号GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) #指定使用 BOARD 编号系统GPIO.setup(touchPin, GPIO.IN) #设置为输入模式GPIO.add_event_detect(touchPin,GPIO.BOTH,callback=getResonse,bouncetime=300)  #注册一个检测电压改变事件print('开始检测')#开启循环防止进程结束runTime=0while True:    time.sleep(4)  ##进行挂起4秒    print("running")    runTime=runTime+1    if runTime>5: breakGPIO.cleanup() #脚本结束后进行清理print('Finish')


#!/usr/bin/env python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import OPi.GPIO as GPIOfrom time import sleep   # this lets us have a time delayGPIO.setboard(GPIO.ZERO) # Orange Pi Zero boardGPIO.setmode(GPIO.SOC)   # set up SOC numberingsled = GPIO.PA+17 # Status led is on PA17GPIO.setup(sled, GPIO.OUT)      # set PA17 as an output (Status led of board)try:  while True:    GPIO.output(sled, 1) # set port/pin value to 1/HIGH/True    sleep(0.1)    GPIO.output(sled, 0) # set port/pin value to 0/LOW/False    sleep(0.1)    GPIO.output(sled, 1) # set port/pin value to 1/HIGH/True    sleep(0.1)    GPIO.output(sled, 0) # set port/pin value to 0/LOW/False    sleep(0.5)except KeyboardInterrupt:  GPIO.output(sled, 0)  GPIO.cleanup()  # clean up after yourself  print ("Bye.")


#!/usr/bin/env python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import OPi.GPIO as GPIOfrom time import sleepGPIO.setboard(GPIO.ZERO)GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD)print(GPIO.gpio_function(3))sleep(0.1)GPIO.setup(3, GPIO.IN)sleep(0.1)print(GPIO.gpio_function(3))sleep(0.1)GPIO.cleanup()


#!/usr/bin/env python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import OPi.GPIO as GPIOfrom time import sleep   # this lets us have a time delayGPIO.setboard(GPIO.ZERO) # Orange Pi Zero boardGPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) # set up BOARD GPIO numberingGPIO.setup(15, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_OFF)    # set pin 15 as input (button)GPIO.setup(11, GPIO.OUT) # set pin 11 as an output (LED)try:    while True:   # this will carry on until you hit CTRL+C if GPIO.input(15):      # if pin 15 == 1     print "Port 15 is 1/HIGH/True - LED ON"     GPIO.output(11, 1)  # set port/pin value to 1/HIGH/True else:     print "Port 15 is 0/LOW/False - LED OFF"     GPIO.output(11, 0)  # set port/pin value to 0/LOW/False sleep(0.1)# wait 0.1 secondsfinally:   # this block will run no matter how the try block exits    print("Finally")    GPIO.output(11, 0)    GPIO.cleanup()# clean up after yourself


#!/usr/bin/env python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import OPi.GPIO as GPIOfrom time import sleepGPIO.setboard(GPIO.ZERO)GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD)    # set up BOARD BCM numberingGPIO.setup(26, GPIO.OUT)    # set pin 26 as an output (LED)p = GPIO.PWM(26, 10) # new PWM on channel=26 frequency=10Hzp.start(0)try:    while 1: for dc in range(0, 101, 5):     p.ChangeDutyCycle(dc)     sleep(0.1) for dc in range(100, -1, -5):     p.ChangeDutyCycle(dc)     sleep(0.1)except KeyboardInterrupt:    passp.stop()GPIO.output(26, 0)GPIO.cleanup()


#!/usr/bin/env python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import OPi.GPIO as GPIOfrom time import sleepGPIO.setboard(GPIO.ZERO)GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD)GPIO.setup(26, GPIO.OUT)p = GPIO.PWM(26, 0.5) # channel=26 frequency=0.5Hzp.start(1)raw_input('Press return to stop:')  # use input for Python 3p.stop()GPIO.cleanup()