> 文档中心 > Ubuntu 20.4 没有/etc/network/interfaces,配置网络需用Netplan

Ubuntu 20.4 没有/etc/network/interfaces,配置网络需用Netplan

最近装了Ubuntu 20 桌面版,需要配置内网,一如既往地找/etc/network/interfaces去配置,发现没有。



Netplan is a utility for easily configuring networking on a linux system. You simply create a YAML description of the required network interfaces and what each should be configured to do. From this description Netplan will generate all the necessary configuration for your chosen renderer tool.


Netplan 是一个用于在 linux 系统上轻松配置网络的实用程序。您只需创建所需网络接口的 YAML 描述以及每个应配置的功能。根据此描述,Netplan 将为您选择的渲染器工具生成所有必要的配置。

NetPlan 如何工作


How does it work?

Netplan reads network configuration from /etc/netplan/*.yaml which are written by administrators, installers, cloud image instantiations, or other OS deployments. During early boot, Netplan generates backend specific configuration files in /run to hand off control of devices to a particular networking daemon.

Netplan currently works with these supported renderers



Netplan 从 /etc/netplan/*.yaml 读取网络配置,这些配置由管理员、安装程序、云映像实例化或其他操作系统部署编写。在早期启动期间,Netplan 在 /run 中生成后端特定配置文件,以将设备控制权移交给特定的网络守护进程。

Netplan 目前可与这些受支持的渲染器一起使用。

  • NetworkManager
  • Systemd-networkd

也就是说,NetPlan 其实最终还是使用NetworkManager 和 System-networkd 完成网络配置,只不过配置方式改为更直观的yaml。


Netplan为yaml文件设计了一系列配置字段,这些字段满足详见Netplan | Backend-agnostic network configuration in YAML



network:  version: 2  # if specified globally, can only realistically have that value, as  # networkd cannot render wifi/3G. This would be shipped as a separate  # config.d/ by desktop images  # it can also be specified by-type or by-device  renderer: network-manager  ethernets:    # opaque ID for physical interfaces with match rules    # only referred to by other stanzas    id0:      match: macaddress: 00:11:22:33:44:55      wakeonlan: true      dhcp4: true      addresses: - - 2001:1::1/64      lom: # example for explicitly setting a backend (default would be networkd) match:   driver: ixgbe # you are responsible for setting tight enough match rules # that only match one device if you use set-name set-name: lom1 dhcp6: true      switchports: # all cards on second PCI bus # unconfigured by themselves will be added to br0 below match:   name: enp2* mtu: 1280    wifis:      all-wlans:      # useful on a system where you know there is      # only ever going to be one device      match: {}      access-points: "Joe's home":   # mode defaults to "managed" (client), key type to wpa-psk   password: "s3kr1t"      # this creates an AP on wlp1s0 using hostapd      # no match rules, thus ID is the interface name      wlp1s0: access-points:   "guest":     mode: ap     channel: 11     # no WPA config implies default of open    bridges:      # the key name is the name for virtual (created) interfaces;      # no 'match' or 'set-name' attributes are allowed.      br0: # IDs of the components # switchports expands into multiple interfaces interfaces: [wlp1s0, switchports] dhcp4: true      routes: - to: via: metric: 3      nameservers: search: [foo.local, bar.local] addresses: []

更多详细见Netplan | Backend-agnostic network configuration in YAML


根据设计,配置完成后,Netplan 需要执行命令是配置生效。

  • netplan generate

    Use /etc/netplan to generate the required configuration for the renderers.

    使用 /etc/netplan 为渲染器生成所需的配置。

  • netplan apply

    Apply all configuration for the renderers, restarting them as necessary.


  • netplan try

    Apply configuration and wait for user confirmation; will roll back if network is broken or no confirmation is given.


  • netplan get

    Merge and display all the current available configuration on the system.


  • netplan set

    Add new setting by specifying a dotted key=value pair like ethernets.eth0.dhcp4=true.

    通过指定带点的 key=value 对来添加新设置,例如 ethernets.eth0.dhcp4=true

  • netplan info

    Show available feature flags of the currently installed version as YAML.

    将当前安装版本的可用功能标志显示为 YAML。

  • netplan ip

    Retrieve IP information from the system.

    从系统中检索 IP 信息。

  • netplan help

    Show the help message.


