> 文档中心 > freesurfer分割后的解剖文件.annot, 如何求解剖区域的三维坐标?如已知lh.HCP-MMP1.annot,如何求Glasser360的皮层三维坐标?

freesurfer分割后的解剖文件.annot, 如何求解剖区域的三维坐标?如已知lh.HCP-MMP1.annot,如何求Glasser360的皮层三维坐标?


% Function to extract centroids of a cortical parcellation on the  Freesurfer sphere. Runs on individual hemispheres.%% Requires read_surf.m and read_annotation.m functions, distributed with Freesurfer (Applications > freesurfer > matlab).%% Inputs:% path_sphere   path to the Fressurfer .annot file describing coordinates% of each vertex on the sphere% example: [path of FreeSurfer parcellation '/surf/rh.sphere']% path_annot    path to the Freesurfer .annot file describing parcel membership of% each vertex% example: [path of FreeSurfer parcellation '/label/rh.HCP.fsaver