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nsq详细教程2 各组件详细配置及功能


  • NSQD



nsqd是一个守护进程,负责接收、排队、分发消息到消费者。可以单独运行也可以通过 注册到 nsqlookupd 服务实现集群部署。
默认监听俩端口 4150 (tcp客户端) 4151 (http api 接口) 。也可以配置端口支持https 服务端口


-auth-http-address value    : to query auth server (may be given multiple times)-broadcast-address string    address that will be registered with lookupd (defaults to the OS hostname) (default "yourhost.local")-broadcast-http-port int    HTTP port that will be registered with lookupd (defaults to the HTTP port that this nsqd is listening to)-broadcast-tcp-port int    TCP port that will be registered with lookupd (defaults to the TCP port that this nsqd is listening to)-config string    path to config file-data-path string    path to store disk-backed messages-deflate    enable deflate feature negotiation (client compression) (default true)-e2e-processing-latency-percentile value    message processing time percentiles (as float (0, 1.0]) to track (can be specified multiple times or comma separated '1.0,0.99,0.95', default none)-e2e-processing-latency-window-time duration    calculate end to end latency quantiles for this duration of time (ie: 60s would only show quantile calculations from the past 60 seconds) (default 10m0s)-http-address string    : to listen on for HTTP clients (default "")-http-client-connect-timeout duration    timeout for HTTP connect (default 2s)-http-client-request-timeout duration    timeout for HTTP request (default 5s)-https-address string    : to listen on for HTTPS clients (default "")-log-level value    set log verbosity: debug, info, warn, error, or fatal (default INFO)-log-prefix string    log message prefix (default "[nsqd] ")-lookupd-tcp-address value    lookupd TCP address (may be given multiple times)-max-body-size int    maximum size of a single command body (default 5242880)-max-bytes-per-file int    number of bytes per diskqueue file before rolling (default 104857600)-max-channel-consumers int    maximum channel consumer connection count per nsqd instance (default 0, i.e., unlimited)-max-deflate-level int    max deflate compression level a client can negotiate (> values == > nsqd CPU usage) (default 6)-max-heartbeat-interval duration    maximum client configurable duration of time between client heartbeats (default 1m0s)-max-msg-size int    maximum size of a single message in bytes (default 1048576)-max-msg-timeout duration    maximum duration before a message will timeout (default 15m0s)-max-output-buffer-size int    maximum client configurable size (in bytes) for a client output buffer (default 65536)-max-output-buffer-timeout duration    maximum client configurable duration of time between flushing to a client (default 30s)-max-rdy-count int    maximum RDY count for a client (default 2500)-max-req-timeout duration    maximum requeuing timeout for a message (default 1h0m0s)-mem-queue-size int    number of messages to keep in memory (per topic/channel) (default 10000)-min-output-buffer-timeout duration    minimum client configurable duration of time between flushing to a client (default 25ms)-msg-timeout duration    default duration to wait before auto-requeing a message (default 1m0s)-node-id int    unique part for message IDs, (int) in range [0,1024) (default is hash of hostname) (default 248)-output-buffer-timeout duration    default duration of time between flushing data to clients (default 250ms)-snappy    enable snappy feature negotiation (client compression) (default true)-statsd-address string    UDP : of a statsd daemon for pushing stats-statsd-interval duration    duration between pushing to statsd (default 1m0s)-statsd-mem-stats    toggle sending memory and GC stats to statsd (default true)-statsd-prefix string    prefix used for keys sent to statsd (%s for host replacement) (default "nsq.%s")-statsd-udp-packet-size int    the size in bytes of statsd UDP packets (default 508)-sync-every int    number of messages per diskqueue fsync (default 2500)-sync-timeout duration    duration of time per diskqueue fsync (default 2s)-tcp-address string    : to listen on for TCP clients (default "")-tls-cert string    path to certificate file-tls-client-auth-policy string    client certificate auth policy ('require' or 'require-verify')-tls-key string    path to key file-tls-min-version value    minimum SSL/TLS version acceptable ('ssl3.0', 'tls1.0', 'tls1.1', or 'tls1.2') (default 769)-tls-required    require TLS for client connections (true, false, tcp-https)-tls-root-ca-file string    path to certificate authority file-verbose    [deprecated] has no effect, use --log-level-version    print version string-worker-id    [deprecated] use --node-id

nsqd默认提供了很多http接口,包括发送消息、创建/删除/清空 topic 等。具体如下:

/ping - liveness
/info - version
/stats - comprehensive runtime telemetry
/pub - publish a message to a topic
/mpub - publish multiple messages to a topic
/config - configure nsqd
/debug/pprof - pprof debugging portal
/debug/pprof/profile - generate pprof CPU profile
/debug/pprof/goroutine - generate pprof goroutine profile
/debug/pprof/heap - generate pprof heap profile
/debug/pprof/block - generate pprof blocking profile
/debug/pprof/threadcreate - generate pprof OS thread profile
v1 namespace (as of nsqd v0.2.29+):

/topic/create - create a new topic
/topic/delete - delete a topic
/topic/empty - empty a topic
/topic/pause - pause message flow for a topic
/topic/unpause - unpause message flow for a topic
/channel/create - create a new channel
/channel/delete - delete a channel
/channel/empty - empty a channel
/channel/pause - pause message flow for a channel
/channel/unpause - unpause message flow for a channel

接口调用实例参考如下,其他详情参考官方文档 官网
nsq详细教程2 各组件详细配置及功能

# memory profiling$ go tool pprof http://localhost:4151/debug/pprof/heap# cpu profiling$ go tool pprof http://localhost:4151/debug/pprof/profile


如果nsqd配置了 --tls-cert 和 --tls-key 选项,那么客户端可以通过tls 来和nsqd通信,更加安全。可以通过–tls-required (as of nsqd v0.2.28+).配置要求客户端必须使用 tls 来通讯。 这是一种客户端身份验证方式。
可以通过 --tls-client-auth-policy (require or require-verify) 选项配置客户端证书策略。

require - 客户端必须提供一个证书,否则拒绝请求
require-verify - 客户端必须提供一个CA(或下级CA) 签发的证书,否则请求会被拒绝。

$ openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365 -nodes

可以通过 -auth-http-address=host:port 参数来指定一个认证服务地址,指定后nsqd就需要做身份认证了。这个参数配置的地址必须是符合 http认证协议。由于nsq认证只对tcp协议有效,http协议无效,us哦一开启认证后,nsqd最好只对外暴露tcp服务,http服务不对外暴露。
认证服务必须提供如下地址来接收http请求如下,就是必须自己发布一个 授权服务,这个授权服务必须满足nsq的授权规范,而且官方给出了实例的基于python授权服务。网上有人实现了基于go的授权服务. nsq-auth



{  "ttl": 3600,  "identity": "username",  "identity_url": "https://....",  "authorizations": [    {      "permissions": [ "subscribe", "publish"      ],      "topic": ".*",      "channels": [ ".*"      ]    }  ]}

使用命令行 工具时 可以使用–reader-opt 来穿密码

$ nsq_tail ... -reader-opt="tls_v1,true" -reader-opt="auth_secret,$SECRET"

认证机制测是测试实战 见下一篇文章


这个服务是用来管理nsqd的注册信息,同时供客户端查询指定topic和channle 所在节点。信息。
监听两个端口 4160 tcp 给nsqd 注册调用。4161http端口 供客户端调用


-broadcast-address string    address of this lookupd node, (default to the OS hostname) (default "yourhost.local")-config string    path to config file-http-address string    : to listen on for HTTP clients (default "")-inactive-producer-timeout duration    duration of time a producer will remain in the active list since its last ping (default 5m0s)-log-level value    set log verbosity: debug, info, warn, error, or fatal (default INFO)-log-prefix string    log message prefix (default "[nsqlookupd] ")-tcp-address string    : to listen on for TCP clients (default "")-tombstone-lifetime duration    duration of time a producer will remain tombstoned if registration remains (default 45s)-verbose    [deprecated] has no effect, use --log-level-version    print version string

提供了 各种http接口供调用,详情参考官网,这里仅做个别测试
/nodes :显示集群节点信息
/info :显示版本信息
/ping :验证服务状态
/lookup :查找指定topic 的生产者
nsq详细教程2 各组件详细配置及功能



-acl-http-header string    HTTP header to check for authenticated admin users (default "X-Forwarded-User")-admin-user value    admin user (may be given multiple times; if specified, only these users will be able to perform privileged actions; acl-http-header is used to determine the authenticated user)-allow-config-from-cidr string    A CIDR from which to allow HTTP requests to the /config endpoint (default "")-base-path string    URL base path (default "/")-config string    path to config file-graphite-url string    graphite HTTP address-http-address string    : to listen on for HTTP clients (default "")-http-client-connect-timeout duration    timeout for HTTP connect (default 2s)-http-client-request-timeout duration    timeout for HTTP request (default 5s)-http-client-tls-cert string    path to certificate file for the HTTP client-http-client-tls-insecure-skip-verify    configure the HTTP client to skip verification of TLS certificates-http-client-tls-key string    path to key file for the HTTP client-http-client-tls-root-ca-file string    path to CA file for the HTTP client-log-level value    set log verbosity: debug, info, warn, error, or fatal (default INFO)-log-prefix string    log message prefix (default "[nsqadmin] ")-lookupd-http-address value    lookupd HTTP address (may be given multiple times)-notification-http-endpoint string    HTTP endpoint (fully qualified) to which POST notifications of admin actions will be sent-nsqd-http-address value    nsqd HTTP address (may be given multiple times)-proxy-graphite    proxy HTTP requests to graphite-statsd-counter-format string    The counter stats key formatting applied by the implementation of statsd. If no formatting is desired, set this to an empty string. (default "stats.counters.%s.count")-statsd-gauge-format string    The gauge stats key formatting applied by the implementation of statsd. If no formatting is desired, set this to an empty string. (default "stats.gauges.%s")-statsd-interval duration    time interval nsqd is configured to push to statsd (must match nsqd) (default 1m0s)-statsd-prefix string    prefix used for keys sent to statsd (%s for host replacement, must match nsqd) (default "nsq.%s")-verbose    [deprecated] has no effect, use --log-level-version    print version string

可以通过 notification-http-endpoint 参数配置一个地址,当集群有管理操作发生时为这个url推送通知。通知内容包括 时间 动作等。