> 文档中心 > FPGA学习笔记3.2——用Verilog实现七段管计时器



6七段管上分别显示 小时(0-2311)、分(0-59)、秒(0-59),各占2个管。外部时钟50Mhz。可以用按键来产生一个复位信号key,当按键按下立刻(异步)将时间复位成0小时、0分、0秒重新开始计时




module Cllo(clk50,key,clk1,out5,out4,out3,out2,out1,out0);    input  clk50,key;// clk50:输入50MHz信号;key:异步复位信号    output clk1;// clk1:新产生的1Hz信号    output reg [6:0] out5;// 输出,时_十位    output reg [6:0] out4;// 输出,时_个位    output reg [6:0] out3; // 输出,分_十位    output reg [6:0] out2;// 输出,分_个位    output reg [6:0] out1;// 输出,秒_十位    output reg [6:0] out0;// 输出,秒_个位    reg [6:0] hour=0;// 计数器_时(0-23)    reg [6:0] minutes=0;// 计数器_分(0-59)    reg [6:0] seconds=0;// 计数器_秒(0-59) div_clk dc(clk50,clk1);// 模块调用,50MHz -> 1Hz// clk1,上升沿触发;key,异步信号,高电平有效    always@(posedge clk1,posedge key) begin      // 异步复位     if(key)  begin      hour=0;minutes=0;seconds=0;      // 直接输出,方便观察检验结果      // 若连接7段管,输出信号用任务 dec_out 转换即可      // dec_out(输入:十进制数 , 输出:7位二进制数值,对应7段管显示)      // 例:dec_out(hour/10,out5);      out5=hour/10;    out4=hour%10;      out3=minutes/10;      out2=minutes%10;      out1=seconds/10;      out0=seconds%10;    end     // 计数     else  begin      if(seconds<59)  seconds=seconds+1;      else     beginif(seconds==59)     begin seconds=0; if(minutes<59)  minutes=minutes+1; else     begin  if(minutes==59)      begin   minutes=0;   if(hour 1Hz**// 50MHz = 2*10^-8 s = 20ns// 1Hz = 1s// 1s/20ns = 5*10^7,即1Hz信号的一个周期包含50MHz信号的5*10^7个周期// (5*10^7)/2 = 25000000,产生1Hz信号时,每过25000000个周期翻转一次module div_clk(clk50,clk1);     input clk50;// clk50:输入的50MHz信号    output reg clk1=1;// clk1: 产生的1Hz信号,赋初始值为1    integer i=0;// 50MHz频率下,周期计数器     always@(posedge clk50) // clk50上升沿触发 begin      if(i==250)// 每过25000000个周期  begini=0;clk1=~clk1;// clk1翻转  end      else i=i+1;  end endmodule 


// Copyright (C) 2017  Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions // and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic // functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing // (including device programming or simulation files), and any // associated documentation or information are expressly subject // to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License // Subscription Agreement, the Intel Quartus Prime License Agreement,// the Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable license// agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for// the sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by// Intel and sold by Intel or its authorized distributors.  Please// refer to the applicable agreement for further details.// *****************************************************************************// This file contains a Verilog test bench template that is freely editable to  // suit user's needs .Comments are provided in each section to help the user    // fill out necessary details. // *****************************************************************************// Generated on "04/07/2022 10:37:27"   // Verilog Test Bench template for design : Cllo// // Simulation tool : ModelSim-Altera (Verilog)// `timescale 1 ps/ 1 psmodule Cllo_vlg_tst();// constants // general purpose registersreg eachvec;// test vector input registersreg clk50;reg key;// wires     wire clk1;wire [6:0]  out0;wire [6:0]  out1;wire [6:0]  out2;wire [6:0]  out3;wire [6:0]  out4;wire [6:0]  out5;// assign statements (if any)     Cllo i1 (// port map - connection between master ports and signals/registers   .clk1(clk1),.clk50(clk50),.key(key),.out0(out0),.out1(out1),.out2(out2),.out3(out3),.out4(out4),.out5(out5));// 产生时钟信号    // 一个时钟周期为20ns    parameter DELAY=20;    // 半个周期翻转一次    always #(DELAY/2) clk50=~clk50;initial      begin // code that executes only once   // insert code here --> begin    // --> endclk50=0;key=0; $display("Running testbench");  end   always// optional sensitivity list      // @(event1 or event2 or .... eventn)    begin // code executes for every event on sensitivity list   // insert code here --> begin    $monitor($realtime,,,"%d %d : %d %d : %d %d",out5,out4,out3,out2,out1,out0); @eachvec;    // --> end   end   endmodule


