> 文档中心 > Python 自动生成数据插入到表,只需要提供连接参数、库名、表名、与想要插入数据的数量

Python 自动生成数据插入到表,只需要提供连接参数、库名、表名、与想要插入数据的数量
















import pymysql   #连接数据库用import random   #自动生成数据用import copy      #深度copy用import datetime    #生成时间数据用class AutoFactory(object):    def __init__(self): pass    def connect_db(self, host, port, user, pwd, db): """ 连接数据库 :param host: :param port: :param user: :param pwd: :param db: :return: """ try:     self.db = pymysql.connect(host=host, user=user, password=pwd, port=port, database=db, use_unicode=True, charset="utf8")     return True except Exception:     return False    def decide_dbtabcolum(self, db, table): """ 取得表字段名与类型长度等参数,格式化成一个JSON字典 :param db: :param table: :return: """ cursor = self.db.cursor() sql = 'SELECT TABLE_NAME 表名,COLUMN_NAME 列名,COLUMN_TYPE 数据类型,DATA_TYPE 字段类型,CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH 长度,IS_NULLABLE ' \'是否为空,COLUMN_DEFAULT 默认值,COLUMN_COMMENT 备注, EXTRA 是否自动增长, COLUMN_KEY 键类型 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where table_schema = {}' \' AND table_name  = {}'.format(self.madevachar(db), self.madevachar(table)) cursor.execute(sql) values = cursor.fetchall() des = cursor.description list_des = [] for d in des:     list_des.append(d[0]) list_re = [] for val in values:     list_re.append(dict(zip(list_des, list(val)))) cursor.close() return list_re    def madevachar(self, par): """ 格式化sql值 :param par: :return: """ return "'" + par + "'"    def made_data(self, list_res, count=10): """ 自动生成数据,暂时实现了一部分数据类型, :param list_res: :param count: :return: list_all = [[],[],[]] """ list_all = [] for res in list_res:     if res['字段类型'] == 'int':  if ('id' in str(res['列名']).lower() or 'no' in str(res['列名']).lower()) and res['是否自动增长'] == 'auto_increment':      print('id是自动生成的不需要数据')      pass  elif ('id' in str(res['列名']).lower() or 'no' in str(res['列名']).lower()) and res['键类型'] == 'PRI':      sql = 'select {} from {} order by {} desc limit 1'.format(res['列名'], res['表名'], res['列名'])      cursor = self.db.cursor()      cursor.execute(sql)      values = cursor.fetchall()      max_id = values[0][0]      list_id = []      for i in range(count):   max_id += 1   list_id.append(max_id)      list_all.append(copy.deepcopy(list_id))      list_id.clear()  elif 'status' in res['列名']:      a = res['长度'] > 1 and 19, 9      list_staus =[]      list_s = []      if res['备注'] is not None:   for i in range(a):if str(i) in res['备注']:    list_staus.append(i)      else:   for i in range(a):list_staus.append(i)      for j in range(count):   list_s.append(random.choice(list_staus))      list_all.append(copy.deepcopy(list_s))      list_s.clear()  elif 'date' in res['备注'] or 'time' in res['备注']:      pass     elif res['字段类型'] == 'varchar':  if 'mobile' in str(res['列名']).lower() or 'phone' in str(res['列名']).lower():      list_phone = []      list_head = ['135', '132', '147', '153', '136', '138']      for i in range(count):   head = random.choice(list_head)   phone = head + ''.join(random.sample(['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0'], 8))   list_phone.append(self.madevachar(phone))      list_all.append(copy.deepcopy(list_phone))      list_phone.clear()  elif 'date' in str(res['列名']).lower() or 'time' in str(res['列名']):      pass  elif 'email' in str(res['列名']).lower():      list_email = []      list_end = ['@163.com', '@qq.com', '@126.com', '@gogle.com', '@aliyun.com']      for i in range(count):   end = random.choice(list_end)   email_ddr = ''.join(random.sample(['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w',    'x','y','z','1','2','4','5','6','7','8','9','0','A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K',    'L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z'], 10)) + end   list_email.append(self.madevachar(email_ddr))      list_all.append(copy.deepcopy(list_email))      list_email.clear()  else:      list_par = []      for j in range(count):   if res['长度'] > 61:i = random.randint(1, 61)   else:i = random.randint(1, res['长度'])   par = ''.join(random.sample(['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w',    'x','y','z','1','2','4','5','6','7','8','9','0','A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K',    'L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z'], i))   list_par.append(self.madevachar(par))      list_all.append(copy.deepcopy(list_par))      list_par.clear()     elif res['字段类型'] == 'tinyint':  print('tinyint暂时没写')     elif res['字段类型'] == 'smallint':  print('smallint暂时没写')     elif res['字段类型'] == 'mediumint':  print('mediumint暂时没写')     elif res['字段类型'] == 'bigint':  print('bigint暂时没写')     elif res['字段类型'] == 'float':  print('float暂时没写')     elif res['字段类型'] == 'double':  print('double暂时没写')     elif res['字段类型'] == 'char':  print('char暂时没写')     elif res['字段类型'] == 'tinytext':  print('tinytext暂时没写')     elif res['字段类型'] == 'mediumtext':  print('mediumtext暂时没写')     elif res['字段类型'] == 'longtext':  print('longtext暂时没写')     elif res['字段类型'] == 'date':  list_date = []  for i in range(count):      now = datetime.date.today()      dy = random.randint(1000, 5000)      delta = datetime.timedelta(days=dy)      day = now - delta      list_date.append(self.madevachar(day.isoformat()))  list_all.append(copy.deepcopy(list_date))  list_date.clear()     elif res['字段类型'] == 'time':  print('time暂时没写')     elif res['字段类型'] == 'datetime':  print('datetime暂时没写')     elif res['字段类型'] == 'timestamp':  print('timestamp暂时没写') return list_all    def auto_isert(self, db, table, count=10): """ 取得参数与插入数据,拼装sql语句,插入数据 :param db: :param table: :param count: :return: """ list_res = self.decide_dbtabcolum(db=db, table=table) list_all = self.made_data(list_res=list_res, count=count) cursor = self.db.cursor() sql = 'insert into {} ('.format(table) for res in list_res:     if res['是否自动增长'] != 'auto_increment':  sql = sql + res['列名'] + ',' sql = sql.rstrip(sql[-1:]) + ') values(' try:     for i in range(count):  enpsql = sql  for all in list_all:      enpsql += str(all[i]) + ','  enpsql = enpsql.rstrip(enpsql[-1:]) + ');'  cursor.execute(enpsql)     cursor.close()     self.db.commit()     print('插入数据成功,哦耶!') except Exception as e:     print('插入数据发生异常:[{}]'.format(str(e)))     self.db.rollback()    def insert_db(self, host, user, pwd, port, db, table, count): """ 入口 :param host: db服务器 :param user: db用户名 :param pwd: 密码 :param port: 端口 :param db: 数据库名 :param table: 表名 :param count: 插入数据的数量 :return: """ if self.connect_db(host=host, user=user, pwd=pwd, port=port, db=db):    self.auto_isert(db=db, table=table, count=count)    self.db.close() else:    print('connect DB Filed, 请检查传入的数据库参数')"调用"auto = AutoFactory()auto.insert_db(host="",  user="root",  pwd="qwer1234",  port=3306,  db="StudentV4DB",  table="Student",  count=10)