> 文档中心 > SpringBoot 整合 Elasticsearch8.0(最新API——Java API Client for Elasticsearch)—— 1、索引操作

SpringBoot 整合 Elasticsearch8.0(最新API——Java API Client for Elasticsearch)—— 1、索引操作

SpringBoot 整合 Elasticsearch8.0(最新API——Java API Client for Elasticsearch)—— 1、索引操作


从官方文档中可以发现我们最多使用的 Java High Level RESRT Client API 在 7.15.0 后被标记过时

应此使用官网推荐使用的 Java API Client for Elasticsearch Api


官方文档地址:Elasticsearch Java API Client 8.1| Elastic


<dependency>    <groupId>co.elastic.clients</groupId>    <artifactId>elasticsearch-java</artifactId>    <version>8.1.1</version></dependency><dependency>    <groupId>com.fasterxml.jackson.core</groupId>    <artifactId>jackson-databind</artifactId>    <version>2.12.3</version></dependency><dependency>     <groupId>jakarta.json</groupId>    <artifactId>jakarta.json-api</artifactId>    <version>2.0.1</version></dependency><dependency>    <groupId>org.projectlombok</groupId>    <artifactId>lombok</artifactId>    <optional>true</optional></dependency>

注意: 使用的Elasticsearch的版本必须与 elasticsearch-java jar 包的版本保持一致


@Testvoid ElasticsearchClientBuild() {    // Create the low-level client    RestClient restClient = RestClient.builder( new HttpHost("", 9200)).build();    // Create the transport with a Jackson mapper    ElasticsearchTransport transport = new RestClientTransport( restClient, new JacksonJsonpMapper());    // And create the API client    ElasticsearchClient elasticsearchClient = new ElasticsearchClient(transport);    System.out.println("elasticsearchClient = " + elasticsearchClient);}


elasticsearchClient = co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchClient@7945b206


@SpringBootTestclass ElasticsearchStudyApplicationTests {    private RestClient restClient;    private ElasticsearchClient elasticsearchClient;    @BeforeEach    void ElasticsearchClientBuild(){ // Create the low-level client restClient = RestClient.builder(  new HttpHost("", 9200)).build(); // Create the transport with a Jackson mapper ElasticsearchTransport transport = new RestClientTransport(  restClient, new JacksonJsonpMapper()); // And create the API client elasticsearchClient = new ElasticsearchClient(transport);    }    @Test    void createIndex() throws IOException { Map<String, Property> documentMap = new HashMap<>(); documentMap.put("userName", Property.of(property ->  property.text(TextProperty.of(textProperty ->   textProperty.index(true).analyzer("ik_max_word"))      )  ) ); documentMap.put("age", Property.of(property ->  property.integer(IntegerNumberProperty.of(integerNumberProperty   -> integerNumberProperty.index(true))  )     ) ); CreateIndexResponse createIndexResponse = elasticsearchClient.indices().create(createIndexBuilder ->  createIndexBuilder.index("user").mappings(mappings ->   mappings.properties(documentMap))   .aliases("User",aliases ->    aliases.isWriteIndex(true)) ); Boolean acknowledged = createIndexResponse.acknowledged(); System.out.println("acknowledged = " + acknowledged);    }    @AfterEach    void ElasticsearchClientDestroy () throws IOException { restClient.close();    }}


acknowledged = true

使用 Kibana 查看索引情况

GET /_cat/indices?v
health status index      uuid     pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size pri.store.sizegreen  open   userIigagimERHOC_EiSX4p-zA   1   1   0     0225b    225b



GET /user
{  "user" : {    "aliases" : {      "User" : { "is_write_index" : true      }    },    "mappings" : {      "properties" : { "age" : {   "type" : "integer" }, "userName" : {   "type" : "text",   "analyzer" : "ik_max_word" }      }    },    "settings" : {      "index" : { "routing" : {   "allocation" : {     "include" : {"_tier_preference" : "data_content"     }   } }, "number_of_shards" : "1", "provided_name" : "user", "creation_date" : "1649499106631", "number_of_replicas" : "1", "uuid" : "IigagimERHOC_EiSX4p-zA", "version" : {   "created" : "8010199" }      }    }  }}


@SpringBootTestclass ElasticsearchStudyApplicationTests {    private RestClient restClient;    private ElasticsearchClient elasticsearchClient;    @BeforeEach    void ElasticsearchClientBuild(){ // Create the low-level client restClient = RestClient.builder(  new HttpHost("", 9200)).build(); // Create the transport with a Jackson mapper ElasticsearchTransport transport = new RestClientTransport(  restClient, new JacksonJsonpMapper()); // And create the API client elasticsearchClient = new ElasticsearchClient(transport);    }    @Test    void deleteIndex() throws IOException { DeleteIndexResponse deleteIndexResponse = elasticsearchClient.indices().delete(index  -> index.index("user") ); boolean acknowledged = deleteIndexResponse.acknowledged(); System.out.println("acknowledged = " + acknowledged);    }    @AfterEach    void ElasticsearchClientDestroy () throws IOException { restClient.close();    }}


acknowledged = true

使用 Kibana 查看索引情况

GET /_cat/indices?v
health status index      uuid     pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size pri.store.size



@SpringBootTestclass ElasticsearchStudyApplicationTests {    private RestClient restClient;    private ElasticsearchClient elasticsearchClient;    @BeforeEach    void ElasticsearchClientBuild(){ // Create the low-level client restClient = RestClient.builder(  new HttpHost("", 9200)).build(); // Create the transport with a Jackson mapper ElasticsearchTransport transport = new RestClientTransport(  restClient, new JacksonJsonpMapper()); // And create the API client elasticsearchClient = new ElasticsearchClient(transport);    }    @Test    void getIndex() throws IOException { GetIndexResponse getIndexResponse = elasticsearchClient.indices().get(getIndex  -> getIndex.index("user")); Map<String, IndexState> result = getIndexResponse.result(); result.forEach((k, v) -> System.out.println("key = " + k + ", value = " + v));    }    @AfterEach    void ElasticsearchClientDestroy () throws IOException { restClient.close();    }}


key = user, value = co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch.indices.IndexState@2afdf6b7


@SpringBootTestclass ElasticsearchStudyApplicationTests {    private RestClient restClient;    private ElasticsearchClient elasticsearchClient;    private ElasticsearchTransport transport;    @BeforeEach    void ElasticsearchClientBuild(){ // Create the low-level client restClient = RestClient.builder(  new HttpHost("", 9200)).build(); // Create the transport with a Jackson mapper transport = new RestClientTransport(  restClient, new JacksonJsonpMapper()); // And create the API client elasticsearchClient = new ElasticsearchClient(transport);    }    @Test    void getAllIndex() throws IOException { IndicesResponse indicesResponse = elasticsearchClient.cat().indices(); indicesResponse.valueBody().forEach(info -> System.out.println("info = " + info.health() + "\t"+  info.status() + "\t" + info.index() + "\t" + info.uuid() +"\t" + info.pri() + "\t" + info.rep() + "\t" + info.docsCount()));    }    @AfterEach    void ElasticsearchClientDestroy () throws IOException { transport.close(); restClient.close();    }}


info = yellowopencrate_testPEEVMOBES3K9Czfx00Yahg110info = yellowopengood_spuwWBCUiJPRmCGcQYUqTEFLA110info = yellowopenuserLYj7ZSfDSeaVrmSpNT8zng110info = yellowopengoodzDho1R2LRAKsdc8LPrQE8w119

上一篇:Elasticsearch 相关软件安装
下一篇:SpringBoot 整合 Elasticsearch8.0(最新API——Java API Client for Elasticsearch)—— 2、文档操作

SpringBoot 整合 Elasticsearch8.0(最新API——Java API Client for Elasticsearch)—— 1、索引操作 《新程序员》:云原生和全面数字化实践 SpringBoot 整合 Elasticsearch8.0(最新API——Java API Client for Elasticsearch)—— 1、索引操作 50位技术专家共同创作,文字、视频、音频交互阅读